Hurricane Helene

I posted something in the Milton thread about my TN county's beliefs regarding government control of hurricanes, but I thought I better not follow up there because of the very real and important dialog going on there about the potential for disaster that is imminent for Florida.

According to a more recent post today on the public FB page of my TN county, shared from the eminent source In2ThinAir, the shift in Helene's track was actually caused by evil government steering the hurricane (a capability that has been proven for a couple of decades now) towards the NC mountains to cause enough catastrophic damage so that the government will have access to the very rich Lithium mines there. It all begins to make sense to me; since you just can't make B/S stuff like this up ... it's gotta be true.

(To be clear, I am not making anything up here; I just forced myself to suffer through a 4-minute video, shared to my county page, claiming exactly this. Judging from FB comments, there is a sizable population in my county that believes these storms are not only engineered but to some degree controlled by government. I think I have fallen into a modern-era Twilight Zone episode. Or is this just the initial onset of the Rapture? As Marvin the paranoid android famously said, "I fear reality is on the blink again".)
I didn't realize that Biden was a Bond villain. Good to know.
I didn't realize that Biden was a Bond villain. Good to know.

I realize you are dealing with... A LOT....but keep up, Mtn Devil. Biden is a drooling vegetable right now. It's the Illuminati, Bildebergers or "they" who are moving hurricanes now. Even the Dems are bystanders...useful idiots, if you will.

Netanyahu may actually have something to do with it.
I posted something in the Milton thread about my TN county's beliefs regarding government control of hurricanes, but I thought I better not follow up there because of the very real and important dialog going on there about the potential for disaster that is imminent for Florida.

According to a more recent post today on the public FB page of my TN county, shared from the eminent source In2ThinAir, the shift in Helene's track was actually caused by evil government steering the hurricane (a capability that has been proven for a couple of decades now) towards the NC mountains to cause enough catastrophic damage so that the government will have access to the very rich Lithium mines there. It all begins to make sense to me; since you just can't make B/S stuff like this up ... it's gotta be true.

(To be clear, I am not making anything up here; I just forced myself to suffer through a 4-minute video, shared to my county page, claiming exactly this. Judging from FB comments, there is a sizable population in my county that believes these storms are not only engineered but to some degree controlled by government. I think I have fallen into a modern-era Twilight Zone episode. Or is this just the initial onset of the Rapture? As Marvin the paranoid android famously said, "I fear reality is on the blink again".)
Well, to a large degree, humans, including their governments and businesses, are having a big effect on the weather, but not in the way they think.
Well, to a large degree, humans, including their governments and businesses, are having a big effect on the weather, but not in the way they think.
Do I think we try or experiment with the weather sure .we would be foolish not to from a technological standpoint .im very Doubtful we have that ability. the military applications would be showing it already if we did .
We are just starting to be able to harness energy weapons enough to fend off air borne munitions with shorter range accuracy. Probably better than that if I know about it.
That's a far cry from weather control .
This must be an incredibly upsetting and difficult time for him and a lot of people he cares about, but that doesn’t excuse his spreading of DISinformation.
Right. Which is all the more reason not to do it. He's not the only one, and this stuff is actively damaging to the victims of the storm and the nation's already frayed social fabric. Almost everyone here has loved ones in WNC, or some ties to WNC, or lives in WNC. It's a Duke board, not an Alaska-Fairbanks board, so lots and lots of people have stake in WNC.
Right. Which is all the more reason not to do it. He's not the only one, and this stuff is actively damaging to the victims of the storm and the nation's already frayed social fabric. Almost everyone here has loved ones in WNC, or some ties to WNC, or lives in WNC. It's a Duke board, not an Alaska-Fairbanks board, so lots and lots of people have stake in WNC.
Agree. Which is why the disinformation coming out of the land of gop/maga--and sadly the front page of DBR--is so stomach churning. People have lost their livelihoods, and in many cases their lives. Attempting to spin this tragedy, and peoples' efforts to help, into political advantage for anything, is simply gross and shameful.

I have family living in Asheville, who are now staying with me here in Durham, and they are literally smitten with all that FEMA is doing. I'm sorry, JD, if the SECRETARY OF STATE tweeted the wrong thing IYO...but check his job description, dude. He's staying in his lane; maybe you could stay in yours? And BTW, he didn't piss off anyone in Appalachia, as you suggest, simply because, guess what? NOBODY UP THERE IS CHECKING "X" RIGHT NOW!

You run a great college sports fan site. For my money, probably the best in the business, and that's to your credit, and I'm grateful. But man, there are plenty of really, really great political blogs out there. And even more bad ones. I read a good number of them, and I count on them to, among other things, not start explaining Duke basketball to me.
JD retweeting a meme that says "your government hates you" and somehow tries to compare Ukraine aid with the lie that hurricane victims are "only getting $750" is disgusting. I say this as a Duke alumnus with friends in Asheville and as a former Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine with many, many Ukrainian friends who have been displaced from their homes for 2 1/2 years and had loved ones killed by Russian genocide. Not that each tragedy is comparable, but since JD apparently thinks they are, maybe he can come on here and explain to us how hurricanes are bombing maternity hospitals, raping and decapitating civilians, and abducting and brainwashing tens of thousands of children.

I can't even begin to address the absolute braindead absurdity and willful ignorance someone would have to have to post such nonsense...right among Duke bball hype tweets, from the handle "@DBRTweetz" and with the DBR logo as the profile pic.

I'm not an active poster but I have been a visitor of this community since 2008. This is just absurd and JD needs to get his "stuff" together and apologize to everyone in this community for spreading utter nonsense with a not-subtle splash of Russian propaganda that is tremendously harmful - and doing so in a way that's affiliated with this community.


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JD retweeting a meme that says "your government hates you" and somehow tries to compare Ukraine aid with the lie that hurricane victims are "only getting $750" is disgusting. I say this as a Duke alumnus with friends in Asheville and as a former Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine with many, many Ukrainian friends who have been displaced from their homes for 2 1/2 years and had loved ones killed by Russian genocide. Not that each tragedy is comparable, but since JD apparently thinks they are, maybe he can come on here and explain to us how hurricanes are bombing maternity hospitals, raping and decapitating civilians, and abducting and brainwashing tens of thousands of children.

I can't even begin to address the absolute braindead absurdity and willful ignorance someone would have to have to post such nonsense...right among Duke bball hype tweets, from the handle "@DBRTweetz" and with the DBR logo as the profile pic.

I'm not an active poster but I have been a visitor of this community since 2008. This is just absurd and JD needs to get his "stuff" together and apologize to everyone in this community for spreading utter nonsense with a not-subtle splash of Russian propaganda that is tremendously harmful - and doing so in a way that's affiliated with this community.
Yeah. JD is welcome to have his opinions. But having them as "DBRTWEETZ" bothers me.
Yeah. JD is welcome to have his opinions. But having them as "DBRTWEETZ" bothers me.
As I have stated before, I am upset by JD's actions. And clearly many others are too. Several times I have asked the Mods or someone else to notify him of our feelings. I know many of us would appreciate this and would appreciate some kind of confirmation that our concerns are being heard. I am quite certain that there is someone who knows him and hopefully that someone has the cojones to speak up. Do it on behalf of Mtn Devil and our other friends who are suffering through the aftermath of the storm.

Looking forward to some kind of a response.
As I have stated before, I am upset by JD's actions. And clearly many others are too. Several times I have asked the Mods or someone else to notify him of our feelings. I know many of us would appreciate this and would appreciate some kind of confirmation that our concerns are being heard. I am quite certain that there is someone who knows him and hopefully that someone has the cojones to speak up. Do it on behalf of Mtn Devil and our other friends who are suffering through the aftermath of the storm.

Looking forward to some kind of a response.
People have left DBR over a lot less
Reach out to him at


Hey there JD. You may not know me from DBR (Mtn.Devil. but I've been a member of the community from the list serve days, the Fly in the Stall days, etc.

I also live in Asheville, where we are very much still dealing with the hurricane. I have friends who lost everything. A business I owned and ran for 10 years was washed down the French Broad River. Many of my close friends are still dealing with the lack of roads, food, water, internet, cell service, jobs and more.

I 100% respect your personal agency in your political beliefs. But some of the more controversial things you have put on the front page and the DBRTweetz account are personally hurtful and absolutely untrue. We are all struggling and rumors about FEMA and relief efforts are damaging to my community.

I would appreciate it if you would keep your political beliefs apart from DBR. Especially in the context of this event that has affected so many Duke fans in such powerful ways.

This online community means a lot to me. Please consider this request.


Hey there JD. You may not know me from DBR (Mtn.Devil. but I've been a member of the community from the list serve days, the Fly in the Stall days, etc.

I also live in Asheville, where we are very much still dealing with the hurricane. I have friends who lost everything. A business I owned and ran for 10 years was washed down the French Broad River. Many of my close friends are still dealing with the lack of roads, food, water, internet, cell service, jobs and more.

I 100% respect your personal agency in your political beliefs. But some of the more controversial things you have put on the front page and the DBRTweetz account are personally hurtful and absolutely untrue. We are all struggling and rumors about FEMA and relief efforts are damaging to my community.

I would appreciate it if you would keep your political beliefs apart from DBR. Especially in the context of this event that has affected so many Duke fans in such powerful ways.

This online community means a lot to me. Please consider this request.

Very well stated and retrained. Please let our community know if you get any response.