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    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to lotusland's post in the thread Hurricane Milton with Like Like.
      It’s really only Democrat administrations that can control the weather though. But how cool is that? Want a bunch crying, whining and...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to fgb's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      Agree. Which is why the disinformation coming out of the land of gop/maga--and sadly the front page of DBR--is so stomach churning...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to Bostondevil's post in the thread Hurricane Milton with Like Like.
      I sometimes contemplate messing with such people by pretending to agree with them then taking the conspiracy into exciting new territory...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to HoKogan's post in the thread Hurricane Milton with Like Like.
      I know you cannot reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into, as the saying goes, but have these people ever...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard replied to the thread Hurricane Helene.
      Right. Which is all the more reason not to do it. He's not the only one, and this stuff is actively damaging to the victims of the storm...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to wiscodevil's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      This must be an incredibly upsetting and difficult time for him and a lot of people he cares about, but that doesn’t excuse his...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to Mtn.Devil.'s post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      Yikes. I wish I hadn't seen that. And under the umbrella of "DBR TWEETS"
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard replied to the thread Hurricane Helene.
      JDK is still spreading conspiracy misinformation on Twitter. (Sorry, I refuse to call it X). I don't know if I'm allowed to say...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to wiscodevil's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      Just a completely ignorant and biased front page post, which only adds to the problems people are facing. Disgraceful.
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to Mtn.Devil.'s post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      Wow, yeah. As someone who lived through it (and still is) I have heard a very small amount of political grousing in my limited travels...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to peteandpete's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      J. D. (front page) should be ashamed of his unfounded political attacks regarding the response to the hurricane and relief efforts. His...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to 75Crazie's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      I posted something in the Milton thread about my TN county's beliefs regarding government control of hurricanes, but I thought I better...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to CrazyNotCrazie's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      Thank you for your post. There are clearly a lot of people who are very upset about the front page post. I am fairly sure there are some...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to JetpackJesus's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      I don't frequent the not-EK Board, but I know my response to the front-page story about WNC would get me banned over there. If I get...
    • throatybeard
      throatybeard reacted to JStuart's post in the thread Hurricane Helene with Like Like.
      I agree with Crazy, and as we all tread lightly on this board for fear of the Mods coming down on us with infractions: do they (the...
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