Board software - Q&A for the new stuff

Okay - figured it out - it was actually JE that I was ignoring, so threads started by him disappeared. When I unigored him (yes, there is an "unignore" buttom, it reappeared.
So that's one way to ignore a thread. Is there a more standard way to make a thread disappear other than ignoring the person who started it?
I was able to add an avatar before, but tried to change it and now it will not load. What do I need to do?
Yeah it seems to have taken. Thanks!

(Tasmania is part of Australia btw. I will admit that I did not know that until I planned my trip there last year, so not saying that like any sort of snooty point. And, tbh, I’m not sure that the residents of either land mass really claim the other.)

Now I need to find a picture of the elusive drop bear….
Has The Longest Thread Ever disappeared for everyone, or did I fumble-fingered it somehow and blocked it?
Ha! Figured it out. I accidentally ignored Bostondevil, which meant any thread started by her is also ignored.

Is there any way to make the “Ignore” button less accident prone? Like maybe an “Are you sure?” button to verify your intent. I’ve accidentally ignored others in the past, and recall that someone else accidentally ignored Jason at some point.
Ha! Figured it out. I accidentally ignored Bostondevil, which meant any thread started by her is also ignored.

Is there any way to make the “Ignore” button less accident prone? Like maybe an “Are you sure?” button to verify your intent. I’ve accidentally ignored others in the past, and recall that someone else accidentally ignored Jason at some point.
So, if I want to ignore an entire thread and have it disappear I can do it by ignoring the person who started it.

Seems like an extreme solution. Is there another way to hide an entire thread in my listing?
Ha! Figured it out. I accidentally ignored Bostondevil, which meant any thread started by her is also ignored.

Is there any way to make the “Ignore” button less accident prone? Like maybe an “Are you sure?” button to verify your intent. I’ve accidentally ignored others in the past, and recall that someone else accidentally ignored Jason at some point.
I accidentally* ignored Jason a month or so ago and was afraid that I had somehow deleted the whole election thread due to hitting a wrong mod editing button. It freaked me out for a bit.

The Smart Ones are looking at the issues raised.

* That’s my story and as long as I’m not under oath I’m sticking to it.