Board software - Q&A for the new stuff


Well-known Moderator
We'll be doing a board software conversion any time now, somewhat at the whim of our hosting service. It'll be bare-bones to start with, but (in theory) everyone's login and password should convert over along with all the messages. If you find yourself locked out, email me at and I'll help get it sorted.

Please be patient with any chaos that may ensue when the cutover happens.


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Years ago, we went through a transition at our office that was promised to be “seamless.”

We were down for a whole week. Which is kind of a problem in a law office.

I was inspired to write the poem below at the time, and hope it does not apply here. And thanks in advance to the good folks at DBR and on the other end that are working on this!


The transition will be seamless
The check is in the mail
I thought I sent you an invitation

The transition will be seamless
The dog ate my homework
I could not eat any more

The transition will be seamless
I never did anything like that when I was your age
Not even remotely

The transition will be seamless
I was hiking the Appalachian Trail
I do not even know who she is

The transition will be seamless
My dog does not bark at night
My cat is not evil.

The transition will be seamless
No, I do not think your sister is prettier than you
Those pants do not make your butt look big

The transition will be seamless
This car only had one driver
a nice little old lady from Sheboygan
who only drove it on Sundays
to church
or the mall.

The transition will be seamless
Have I ever lied to you?
This will hurt me more than it hurts you

The transition will be seamless
I will be back in a minute
This should not take long

The transition will be seamless
I am not a crook!
There was still some pie in the fridge when I left it

The transition will be seamless
I thought I was doing the speed limit
UFOs are not real

The transition will be seamless
You can take that to the bank
Just sign right here, and I’ll take care of everything.
That's a great poem, OPK! And very, very true.

Just want to reiterate what -jk said. We're not in charge of the timing of the new software cutover. There's a chance that it happens and the first person that can't login will email -jk and that's the first any of us will know that it has happened! Somebody's going to try to login to the new system before the hosting company can finish composing the "It's live now." email.

It'll take us a bit to get up to speed and change it from the default bare-bones look. Please bear with us. At least one admin is completely swamped over the next 10 days (my son's getting married!), so please, please, please have a bit of patience!
Congrats on the familial nuptials. And thanks to y’all who are handling this on our end. Extra crullers in the break room for y’all on Friday.
Nothing messes with the tranquility of my intestinal track like a software conversion. My credit union had a conversion about six months ago and only now is the chaos settling down. Best wishes for all involved. Assume it will be ugly and then be surprised if it isn't.
This board's software is way out of date but I'm so used to it from years of hanging out here that it's hard for me to imagine it changing. Will we finally have the spork limit lifted? I am always running out.
Years ago, we went through a transition at our office that was promised to be “seamless.”

We were down for a whole week. Which is kind of a problem in a law office.

I was inspired to write the poem below at the time, and hope it does not apply here. And thanks in advance to the good folks at DBR and on the other end that are working on this!

I hate sad poems.

What kind of software change are we talking here? Fixes update or modernization?
Crullers? This undertaking calls for nothing less than Duck Donuts!

I make some damn fine bagels, and pretty darn good bialy.

I’ve tried air-fried donuts but was not thrilled.

I can crêpe like it’s nobody’s business.

Oh, and remind me to add to the agenda — Seamus at the omelette station has not been crisping the onions before folding them in. Someone needs to talk to him again.
And that means I'll need to re-write all of my scripts that scrape data to calculate thread killers, etc. Might just be time to archive those ;)

Very much so.


Will it still be vBulletin? I frequent another forum (having nothing to do with basketball) that recently switched to version 6.0.4 and it looks quite different, but the basic functionality is sufficiently similar that I got up to speed quickly.
Looks like it's getting close. Or so I've been assured!)

We'll be moving to a default install of xenforo. We'll likely see what works then start a process of modifying it to better meet our needs.
