2024 U.S. Presidential election

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I mean, how does the room not just burst out laughing when he says insane stuff like this?

Rex Chapman retweeted that above post and noted:
American public school teachers are so underfunded they have to buy their own supplies for students much of the time. But you’re telling me schools are so flush with money they’re doing sex-change operations at school for free??
I mean, how does the room not just burst out laughing when he says insane stuff like this?

Rex Chapman retweeted that above post and noted:
I mean, theoretically when I did dissections in my public middle school in the 1980s I think I removed sexual organs so he has a point...

The questions I ask once again are 1) Are people really dumb enough to believe this moron, 2) If they don't, how are they OK with this, 3) If he is actually right about this, why does it matter? How does it impact their lives? Are they worried about wasting tax-payer dollars on this? But they are OK with spending millions of dollars on Secret Service agents watching Trump play golf, or the amount wasted on defense items that sit collecting dust, or whatever else?

There I go, being logical again...
I mean, how does the room not just burst out laughing when he says insane stuff like this?

Rex Chapman retweeted that above post and noted:
And yet that was the line that connected with the guy sitting down getting his hair cut as it drew a big head nod from him ...

He needs those disapproving women from the Univision town hall at all his stops for a real time BS-check.
There has to be a picture of her in her McDonalds uniform. I'd wish someone would find it and release it so we could get past this stupid talking point. How is it that people complain about this McDonalds working record when Trump still claims that he won "Man of the Year" in Michigan despite it being debunked numerous times? I almost forgot, what about the "I won the election". It's like we live in a universe in which one person can lie about anything and people believe him and anything the other person says is thoroughly investigated.
Also, she can retrieve her tax return for the specific year, I believe.
I mean, theoretically when I did dissections in my public middle school in the 1980s I think I removed sexual organs so he has a point...

The questions I ask once again are 1) Are people really dumb enough to believe this moron, 2) If they don't, how are they OK with this, 3) If he is actually right about this, why does it matter? How does it impact their lives? Are they worried about wasting tax-payer dollars on this? But they are OK with spending millions of dollars on Secret Service agents watching Trump play golf, or the amount wasted on defense items that sit collecting dust, or whatever else?

There I go, being logical again...
They do believe these things. My wife’s best friend is a retired teacher. The other day at lunch her friend showed a Facebook post of one of her ex-pupils saying that Biden is making it rain on Asheville. Imagine how she feels…..
I mean, theoretically when I did dissections in my public middle school in the 1980s I think I removed sexual organs so he has a point...

The questions I ask once again are 1) Are people really dumb enough to believe this moron, 2) If they don't, how are they OK with this, 3) If he is actually right about this, why does it matter? How does it impact their lives? Are they worried about wasting tax-payer dollars on this? But they are OK with spending millions of dollars on Secret Service agents watching Trump play golf, or the amount wasted on defense items that sit collecting dust, or whatever else?

There I go, being logical again...
Even if we don’t wander into #3 too deeply, what is he logically offering?

Is he saying on the one hand that the Department of Education is funding and pushing these operations or is he saying that “they” do these operations in some places?

If it is the latter, how is letting the local authorities or people that care handle the school problems or whatever
his concepts for a solution for fixing the failing schools in the Bronx is?

Or is he proposing that the two people that it sounds like he thinks can effectively run the Department of Education and our nation’s schools are a lot more efficient at doing their jobs than I imagine being possible.

As often happens after listening to his “answers”, I’m confused.
Other than woodshop, I’m not aware of where transgender operations could happen in a school…
I would argue not even in wood shop. The few that I knew took wood shop did like to use the tools in a "non-tradititional" manner, but none of them where *THAT* careless with the tools. They did some stupid stuff, but um, never that stupid.

edit to add: *stupid* as it applies to performing complex surgeries using power tools in a non-sterile environment without medical supervision and counseling.
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I mean, how does the room not just burst out laughing when he says insane stuff like this?

Rex Chapman retweeted that above post and noted:
From time to time I wonder if he actually believes this. Would he pass a polygraph? Did Jane’s fiancée kidnap Sydney and take her to Vegas and, if so, did she like it? “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

Then I remember that it doesn’t matter whether he believes it. It’s still an outrageously stupid lie.
My first job was at McD's and I am about Kamala's age. While the franchisee may or may not have my employment records from the mid-1980's (which I doubt), I do not think that the McD Corporation headquartered in Illinois would ever have had anything with my name on it.
Not unless you opted into the retirement plan.
That quote is not from a true undecided voter, because if that person was, they'd know that Trump is great friends with Netanyahu (who is stepping up this war to help him get elected) and Trump has shown nothing that he can do to stop or mitigate the violence in that region, or that he even wants to. They're just trying to justify why they're going to vote for Trump other than saying they're essentially racists too.
Just two dudes trying to stay out of jail.
I mean, how does the room not just burst out laughing when he says insane stuff like this?

Rex Chapman retweeted that above post and noted:
Spend a little time with certain crowds. They believe all the bad things are happening. That’s how evil the liberals are. Pedophiles and pizza chains. Weather weapons action for politics. Mandatory abortions. Sex changed at schools.

That’s his base.
The questions I ask once again are 1) Are people really dumb enough to believe this moron, 2) If they don't, how are they OK with this?
These and similar questions get to the heart of Trumpism. In what follows, I refer principally to Trump’s tens of millions of MAGA supporters. I realize that some other tens of millions millions who have voted for Trump do not identify as MAGA; but if the not-MAGAs are disgusted by the MAGAs, they certainly do not forcefully object to MAGA-ism.

How did the GOP jettison all but the vaguest semblance to conservatism in favor of MAGA’s cult of Trump? We could list Trump’s own character and personality traits. We could detail the many GOP leaders who have blasted Trump, only to bend the knee, or simply turn away from questions about his latest bizarre fulminations.

But for me, the overwhelming issue is the tens of millions who have voted for him twice and will do so again. The problem is The People. The profound-in-its-day Pogo-ism — “We have met the enemy and he is us” — is now but a pale trope that cannot begin to do justice to the intricate layers of MAGA conceit and deceit.

To CNC’s (1), my mantra for some years now has been, “Willful ignorance is dangerously stupid.” Untold numbers of MAGA true believers, certainly not innately stupid, have chosen to think Fox evening commentators are presenting news, facts, truth. They have made themselves unwitting co-conspirators in Trump’s plan to destroy our constitutional democratic republic. They have become deranged. This is the Real Trump Derangement Syndrome.

To CNC’s (2), MAGA folks, especially but not solely evangelicals, are, yes, OK with outrage after outrage. They have dug in, at first denying that Trump did or said X, but ultimately asserting that even if he said or did X, they do not care.

The evangelicals and other MAGAs have come to inhabit a different moral universe. Call it “parallel,” perhaps, if we need to avoid judging MAGA an immoral or amoral movement. But it’s absolutely a different moral universe, one in which Trump’s most fervent evangelical acolytes can enthusiastically claim, fearing not the sin of blasphemy, that he has been “anointed” by God.

Thus, in the different moral universe of MAGA-Trumpism, untold numbers of things previously thought embarrassing, outrageous, immoral, disgusting, in extreme cases evil — such things are now tolerable, a bit uncomfortable for some, perhaps, but, OK.
Also, she can retrieve her tax return for the specific year, I believe.
Tax return and income information are not available on the IRS website after 10 years.

There's no way I can prove I worked for my local 5&10 as a teen, or that I worked at the Duke University stores all 4 years at Duke (a few on these boards could vouch, I'm sure), or even the first few jobs I worked out of college.

Even at that, the transcripts will only show totals. They don't show the individual sources of the income. They do show the last 4 of an EIN for w-2 income.

Tax return and income information are not available on the IRS website after 10 years.

There's no way I can prove I worked for my local 5&10 as a teen, or that I worked at the Duke University stores all 4 years at Duke (a few on these boards could vouch, I'm sure), or even the first few jobs I worked out of college.

Even at that, the transcripts will only show totals. They don't show the individual sources of the income. They do show the last 4 of an EIN for w-2 income.

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There's also the issue of whether or not she even had to file a tax return during that time anyway. You have to reach a certain income level to even have to file. If she was working there part-time as a high-school or college teenager, she likely wouldn't have had to file at all. As a dependent, I didn't make enough money to have to file until I got my first real job at age 22.
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