The questions I ask once again are 1) Are people really dumb enough to believe this moron, 2) If they don't, how are they OK with this?
These and similar questions get to the heart of Trumpism. In what follows, I refer principally to Trump’s tens of millions of MAGA supporters. I realize that some other tens of millions millions who have voted for Trump do not identify as MAGA; but if the not-MAGAs are disgusted by the MAGAs, they certainly do not forcefully object to MAGA-ism.
How did the GOP jettison all but the vaguest semblance to conservatism in favor of MAGA’s cult of Trump? We could list Trump’s own character and personality traits. We could detail the many GOP leaders who have blasted Trump, only to bend the knee, or simply turn away from questions about his latest bizarre fulminations.
But for me, the overwhelming issue is the tens of millions who have voted for him twice and will do so again. The problem is The People. The profound-in-its-day Pogo-ism — “We have met the enemy and he is us” — is now but a pale trope that cannot begin to do justice to the intricate layers of MAGA conceit and deceit.
To CNC’s (1), my mantra for some years now has been, “Willful ignorance is dangerously stupid.” Untold numbers of MAGA true believers, certainly not innately stupid, have chosen to think Fox evening commentators are presenting news, facts, truth. They have made themselves unwitting co-conspirators in Trump’s plan to destroy our constitutional democratic republic. They have become deranged. This is the Real Trump Derangement Syndrome.
To CNC’s (2), MAGA folks, especially but not solely evangelicals, are, yes, OK with outrage after outrage. They have dug in, at first denying that Trump did or said X, but ultimately asserting that even if he said or did X, they do not care.
The evangelicals and other MAGAs have come to inhabit a
different moral universe. Call it “parallel,” perhaps, if we need to avoid judging MAGA an immoral or amoral movement. But it’s absolutely a
different moral universe, one in which Trump’s most fervent evangelical acolytes can enthusiastically claim, fearing not the sin of blasphemy, that he has been “anointed” by God.
Thus, in the different moral universe of MAGA-Trumpism, untold numbers of things previously thought embarrassing, outrageous, immoral, disgusting, in extreme cases evil — such things are now tolerable, a bit uncomfortable for some, perhaps, but, OK.