I like Scaramucci. I think he’s bright, and has the ability to craft a palatable message that he knows will sell to a left of center audience. I think he has found that being a paid political consultant/commentator is a cushy job. But that is not a crime and I do appreciate that his message seems to be cut from a pro-democracy, pro- American perspective with a measure of pragmatism that appeals to us middle-of-the-roaders. I don’t know how he votes when he goes into the voting booth, however. But there’s no reason why I should necessarily. So I agree he’s an interesting character who who has decent skills as a political analyst. I guess what I’m saying is that he strikes me as an opportunist, and at the end of the day, whether Democrats or Republicans win or lose or whether our basic freedoms as citizens of a democratic system continue to erode—those issues don’t really concern him personally, he’s an observer. He has the wealth to be insulated from the political and monetary policy decisions that affect the 99%. No matter what happens he’s not going to sweat it, like say a James Carville who wears his political sensibilities on his sleeve. Speaking of Carville: Headline on Yahoo this evening: