I grew up as a Brewers fan, mostly in the 1980s. I lived in a rural area of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (mostly Brewers and Tigers fans). The Brewers were rarely on TV (there, or anywhere really).https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/43439250/beloved-brewers-broadcaster-bob-uecker-dies-age-90
Bob Uecker has passed. He didn't cover hoops, but he was great. Not just as an announcer, but many know him from his "Major League" roles or his Miller Lite commercials. Since this thread subject doesn't include "basketball", I wanted to pay homage. Hope he's in the front row now.
I listened to nearly every Brewers game on grandpa’s Montgomery Ward AM radio, which was about the size of a box of Girl Scout cookies. I must have broken its 4 ft long, 5 section telescoping antenna a dozen times just being a clumsy kid, trying to listen quietly in the dark in the basement so I wouldn’t keep grandpa awake. Bob Uecker’s voice almost felt like family to me because I was spending 10+ hours per week listening to those games in the summer. I didn’t even know what he looked like (I never made the connection that he was the same guy in the Miller Lite commercials or the guy on Mr Belvedere).
The downside of Duke being on TV pretty much nonstop for the past 30 years is that I never turned to radio for games, and I missed out on Bob Harris. I can imagine that many of y’all feel the same about Bob H. as I do for Bob U.
So as we gripe about Corey Alexander and Jay Bilas and the others, today I’m missing Bob Uecker and the voice I grew up with.
Grandpa died a couple years ago. But I think I’m going to head out to the Upper Peninsula soon for no other reason than to try to find that old radio.