The longest thread ever

BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.
When he was really unamused (other than the famous avuncular letter) was when he came back from sabbatical and found out we could get beer for points in the CI. Before your time...
BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.
Didn't they reveal the writer(s) in the last column of the semester. I know they did when I was there.
No worries. The column that attacked me was not the infamous food fight column. The column that attacked me did not mention me by name but it did reference where I lived. I had dudes randomly shouting "You bi___" or similar epithets under my windows for a few nights and one enterprising young man threw a full beer can at my window - luckily the window was open so the glass didn't shatter. The beer can missed me by inches and exploded on my desk. Still - I was not mentioned by name, only by location, so the harassment was directed at my windows and not at me directly. It went away after about a week.

I had not done what he accused me of doing.

It never occurred to me to go to Dean Sue or someone else with the proper authority to help and report what was going on. I did think about approaching The Chronicle, but in the end I wanted to remain anonymous. I thought trying to make it stop would just make it worse - and then it blew over, so I no longer felt that I needed to do anything.

I didn't mean to make folks angry. Ancient history. But it is true that whenever anybody brings up the Monday, Monday column of my Duke days, my memory of it is colored by being on the receiving end of one of his grievances. I thought he was very funny his first year. His second year, not so much, he was basically whining about things he didn't like on campus. I was kinda surprised he didn't get the column yanked from him after the food fight incident. His apology for the food fight was just a giant whine. And yes, the column that went after me was after the food fight incident.

Also, he didn't learn a lesson. After the food fight incident, he should have realized that folks would react to his columns in ways he did not intend. The column that went after me was a grievance about noise complaints and he blamed me for ruining a social event he attended with a noise complaint - which I did not make. You know what, I didn't mean to make folks angry, but I just got angry. The entitlement and the sexism and the complete lack of concern for other people displayed by that wanker, I wish I had reported him. He should have had his column yanked.

Irony - I almost submitted a humor column to be the Monday, Monday person when the position became available. I didn't. I truly doubt I would have been chosen because, female, and I was never interested in being on The Chronicle staff, but I would have been better than he was, that's for sure.
We could all see where it was going even without the detail.

Do they still have that column around?

And even if I had made the noise complaint - his experience of that particular event was not the experience of the people who lived in the dorm. The speakers were turned up loud enough to make things shake on my desk and the event was a "morning mixer" that started at 8am.
When he was really unamused (other than the famous avuncular letter) was when he came back from sabbatical and found out we could get beer for points in the CI. Before your time...
That didn't last long. I believe some folks blew through their points, intended for the semester, during the first month. Fall semester '81 as I recall.
That didn't last long. I believe some folks blew through their points, intended for the semester, during the first month. Fall semester '81 as I recall.
1980-81 school year. Drinking age was 18 for beer and wine.
I remember it distinctly because the previous year I had only eaten ~10-15% of my meals in the dining hall. K-12 I did not purchase a meal from a school cafeteria. September 1980 was the first time I was ever compelled to eat a significant quantity of institutional food. The upside was I could use up some of my meal plan on beer. Sadly it only lasted the one year.
Exam times were insanity as you had to use up all your points before leaving, so to the bar we went.
1980-81 school year. Drinking age was 18 for beer and wine.

I was a freshman in 1984 with a September birthday, so I turned 18 and was legal drinking age. Then they changed the law to 21 in 1985 without any grandfathering, so I was illegal again, until I turned 21 in 1987 for my senior year.

I think I did the math right. I just remember being legal drinking age, not legal, and then legal again during college, which was weird (even though it had little practical effect at campus keggers and parties).
I didn't mean to make folks angry. Ancient history. But it is true that whenever anybody brings up the Monday, Monday column of my Duke days, my memory of it is colored by being on the receiving end of one of his grievances. I thought he was very funny his first year. His second year, not so much, he was basically whining about things he didn't like on campus. I was kinda surprised he didn't get the column yanked from him after the food fight incident. His apology for the food fight was just a giant whine. And yes, the column that went after me was after the food fight incident.

Also, he didn't learn a lesson. After the food fight incident, he should have realized that folks would react to his columns in ways he did not intend. The column that went after me was a grievance about noise complaints and he blamed me for ruining a social event he attended with a noise complaint - which I did not make. You know what, I didn't mean to make folks angry, but I just got angry. The entitlement and the sexism and the complete lack of concern for other people displayed by that wanker, I wish I had reported him. He should have had his column yanked.

Irony - I almost submitted a humor column to be the Monday, Monday person when the position became available. I didn't. I truly doubt I would have been chosen because, female, and I was never interested in being on The Chronicle staff, but I would have been better than he was, that's for sure.
I think most of us were angry at what it happened to you not at you. We're on your side.

I think we had two female Monday, Monday writers. One (K.Rogers) were three cheerleaders. I had class with one of them.
That didn't last long. I believe some folks blew through their points, intended for the semester, during the first month. Fall semester '81 as I recall.
They still had it at the bar - Kudzu Tavern - on Central in 1995/96. They didn't card there either. I'm not sure they kept it when it changed to the Devil's Den.
I think most of us were angry at what it happened to you not at you. We're on your side.

I think we had two female Monday, Monday writers. One (K.Rogers) were three cheerleaders. I had class with one of them.

I knew that. ;) I still didn't mean for folks to get angry. In the grand scheme of life, it was a blip and really, I don't dwell on it. That said, in the current politically charged environment when I am questioning what it means to be a woman in America on an almost daily basis, revisiting this particular incident has made me think somewhat differently about it. I'm still not going to dwell on it, but I will forgive myself for not being all that forgiving towards the Monday, Monday guy.
1980-81 school year. Drinking age was 18 for beer and wine.
I remember it distinctly because the previous year I had only eaten ~10-15% of my meals in the dining hall. K-12 I did not purchase a meal from a school cafeteria. September 1980 was the first time I was ever compelled to eat a significant quantity of institutional food. The upside was I could use up some of my meal plan on beer. Sadly it only lasted the one year.
Exam times were insanity as you had to use up all your points before leaving, so to the bar we went.
Good news was that you could use points through Duke catering - snacks for meetings!

Friends ended up getting points added 2nd semester but not billed for them. They catered their graduation party.
even the beer we had in the late sixties, early seventies (not on campus of course) was that watered down horrific beer (3.2?) and of course no mixed drinks, which prevented students from having A drink but allowed them to buy fifths and get nose in the dirt level drunk. One of the biggest adjustments I had at Duke (seriously) was living with that drinking culture.....completely new to me.
We could all see where it was going even without the detail.

Do they still have that column around?
I don’t recall that from my time.
It never stopped. Grabbing a Chronicle daily was so ingrained into my routine. It’s weird a full generation has probably been all digital by now. At least it saved a lot of trees.
