The longest thread ever

We had some light mold in a corner of our basement. They took out the dry wall and cleaned it up. Wasn’t near any plumbing. What type of company comes out and checks for potential foundation cracks?

Some sort of engineer?
We had some light mold in a corner of our basement. They took out the dry wall and cleaned it up. Wasn’t near any plumbing. What type of company comes out and checks for potential foundation cracks?

Some sort of engineer?
There are foundation repair companies that may be able to evaluate for you. Do you think there is a crack in the foundation leading to ground moisture coming through? May want to check radon also.
Good. Uncle Terry was mega-pissed.

Ugh, don't get me started on BCG. Is BCG a poster here? If he is, I like to think I'm the kind of person who doesn't carry a grudge, but he flamed me unfairly in one of his columns and if I'm being completely honest about it, I haven't forgiven him. What he said about me was irresponsible and lead to me being harassed. He didn't even bother to try to check his facts. What a wanker. If he does post here and sees this and would like an explanation, go ahead and PM me. I'll explain what you did.
woke up to 20 degrees and four inches of lovely white snow; by Thursday it's going to be 78 degrees. Go figure.

How long have you lived in New England? I can remember a day when I woke up to 20 degrees and it was in the 70s by the afternoon. To be fair, there wasn't any snow.
Ugh, don't get me started on BCG. Is BCG a poster here? If he is, I like to think I'm the kind of person who doesn't carry a grudge, but he flamed me unfairly in one of his columns and if I'm being completely honest about it, I haven't forgiven him. What he said about me was irresponsible and lead to me being harassed. He didn't even bother to try to check his facts. What a wanker. If he does post here and sees this and would like an explanation, go ahead and PM me. I'll explain what you did.
Monday, Monday...
Hadn't thought about that for years
Where I’m from BCG =
Ugh, don't get me started on BCG. Is BCG a poster here? If he is, I like to think I'm the kind of person who doesn't carry a grudge, but he flamed me unfairly in one of his columns and if I'm being completely honest about it, I haven't forgiven him. What he said about me was irresponsible and lead to me being harassed. He didn't even bother to try to check his facts. What a wanker. If he does post here and sees this and would like an explanation, go ahead and PM me. I'll explain what you did.
Where I'm from, BCG =S9-2.png
Sun out, still some snow on the ground, the lawn guys at Idiot Neighbor Two's house taking full advantage of him (they mowed two hours last week even though the grass had not grown) by leaf blowing his yard including leaves on top of the snow. I have never seen this before. It's slow enough when the leaves are wet, but this is a new breakthrough....of course they use gas powered blowers for maximum volume. Impressive.
Ugh, don't get me started on BCG. Is BCG a poster here? If he is, I like to think I'm the kind of person who doesn't carry a grudge, but he flamed me unfairly in one of his columns and if I'm being completely honest about it, I haven't forgiven him. What he said about me was irresponsible and lead to me being harassed. He didn't even bother to try to check his facts. What a wanker. If he does post here and sees this and would like an explanation, go ahead and PM me. I'll explain what you did.
Who is BCG?
BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.
BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.
did people launch peas with a spoon, or what? The hockey puck burgers could have killed someone.
BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.
Well, it is really my fault.
spousal unit comes home from Costco with eight pounds of pork ribs, five pounds of boneless beef short ribs, a duck, and a (German) Shepherd's Pie....
BCG was one of the “Monday, Monday” columnists at the Chronicle. It was always written by an anonymous person and was supposed to be funny/edgy/snarky. He (?) called for a food fight at the C. I. on West Campus my Freshman year, which happened. President Sanford was unamused.

Not sure of the incident BD referenced, sorry I did not mean to bring up an unrelated bad memory.

No worries. The column that attacked me was not the infamous food fight column. The column that attacked me did not mention me by name but it did reference where I lived. I had dudes randomly shouting "You bi___" or similar epithets under my windows for a few nights and one enterprising young man threw a full beer can at my window - luckily the window was open so the glass didn't shatter. The beer can missed me by inches and exploded on my desk. Still - I was not mentioned by name, only by location, so the harassment was directed at my windows and not at me directly. It went away after about a week.

I had not done what he accused me of doing.

It never occurred to me to go to Dean Sue or someone else with the proper authority to help and report what was going on. I did think about approaching The Chronicle, but in the end I wanted to remain anonymous. I thought trying to make it stop would just make it worse - and then it blew over, so I no longer felt that I needed to do anything.