Moderator, front page and podcast contributor
Counterpoint: it isn't tone policing to point out that people who want to second guess the coaches/plays/defensive strategies aren't possibly capable of knowing this information. Y'all constantly second guess the coaches even though you aren't at practice and have never actually coached big time basketball. Y'all constantly second guess the coaches and get pissed when we second guess YOU.
It is fine if this is how you experience Fandom. Just don't be fragile enough when someone points out y'all aren't experts when you make these cocksure proclamations. Make em all you want. Feel free to criticize. But then be open to criticism.
[Edit: happy to share my receipts if you PM me. I enjoy discussing this stuff. If you have receipts about your basketball knowledge, PM me.]
I have an idea. What if the closet GMs/basketball coaching savants had a thread where they could post about what plays should be run on offense. What defensive strategy the coaches should employ. Like not kidding at all. Y'all make one of those threads for football and basketball. Y'all have a minutes thread. And a wordle thread. You have an awful announcers thread where you can complain about Bilas. I don't participate in those threads. Don't read em. Not interested. At all. Please do that. Again. Not kidding. I would love to not have to read what y'all think about this stuff. And y'all would love not to read me telling you that you aren't qualified. Please someone make these threads.
@ClemmonsDevil had this fantastic idea in the Auburn postgame thread, and as a mod I'm using my prerogative to make it a reality
DBR is a welcoming community for all Duke fans, but that means we all execute that fandom differently. An unfortunate reality of communicating via message board is that discussions along the lines of "Why isn't [[INSERT NAME HERE]] playing?" or "Why didn't Coach Scheyer do [[INSERT PLAY HERE]]?" can end up dominating threads, at time derailing other ongoing conversations. We want to find a balance between maintaining existing conversations and the general tone of the board that's been around for a decade plus with the more than justified desire by some to have discussions centered around these critiques. I think the compromise solution is to give such critiques their own designated place, so that those who wish to participate in those conversations can, and those that don't can steer clear of them.
So, moving forward, this will be the place for such posts, NOT THE PREGAME/POSTGAME THREADS. If you think Coach Scheyer should've played Big Pat against a team with a big front-court and want to explain why you're right, this is the place to do so. If you saw something wrong with the offensive play calling and have a suggestion, this is the place for it. If you think a player could improve a certain element of their game, bring it up here.
I recognize the above may sound sarcastic if you read it with a certain tone. It 100% is NOT intended to be. I sincerely think having a designated place for these type of discussions, for those who choose to engage in them, is the middle ground we've been searching for to restore the "friendly neighborhood" atmosphere around here that's been a bit tenuous in the early stages of this season.
Let's go crazy.
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