Whole week gonna be cold!Going to get cooollllddddd tonight.
Also 25F here in upstate SC. I got up, put on my parka and mukluks. Sat down to type this.25F here right now. Too cold foe me at the moment. Will hide under the covers for longer.
Um ... 7F here, not all that far from you.Also 25F here in upstate SC. I got up, put on my parka and mukluks. Sat down to type this.
Barbershop?I picked a bad local business to be a captured audience at this precise time.
My cousin went there, graduated in about 2010 if I remember correctly.I think we got 3 inches of snow here, maybe 4. Tony came over and used his snowblower on my driveway before I'd finished my first cup of tea this morning. I have to take Arrow back up to school in Beverly later today. He's taking his time getting ready.
We did get a haircut after a fashion.Barbershop?