The longest thread ever

Philosophically timely though. On the operational side of things there has to be a place for Catbert in the new regime. Maybe he can revive one of most ingenious space-saving HR initiatives, The Head Cubicle.
My wife has been chasing our dog around in the snow for half an hour trying to collect a pee and poop sample for the vet.

I’m enjoying watching from the window.
  • Haha
Reactions: -jk
My nephews in Chicago (well, Evanston) won the family "coldest morning" award at -2F (feels like -11F). That includes Boston, the northern NC mountains, and Rangeley, Maine. Rangeley is projected to win tonight with -10F (-25F). 🥶

I think we got 3 inches of snow here, maybe 4. Tony came over and used his snowblower on my driveway before I'd finished my first cup of tea this morning. I have to take Arrow back up to school in Beverly later today. He's taking his time getting ready.
I think we got 3 inches of snow here, maybe 4. Tony came over and used his snowblower on my driveway before I'd finished my first cup of tea this morning. I have to take Arrow back up to school in Beverly later today. He's taking his time getting ready.
My cousin went there, graduated in about 2010 if I remember correctly.