Test new functions here!

BTW, mods, something to add to your list when you get some breathing room: I've been wearing out the "Contact us" link at the bottom of DBR pages, because it was the only way I found to contact anybody while posting & messaging privileges were on hold, and I never got any response from it. I'm just guessing that it might be because of the known board email issues, but at some point somebody might want to try to test that. Thanks!
Had the same issue .it took a few days before I got a email. I sent one for help aswell
But my issue is resolved at this point.
I assume they got it because my issue was resolved.
I think posting animated GIFs got easier on this new board, but it's still a short process to remember.

1. Right click on the GIF and select "Copy image address".
2. Click the "Insert Image" icon above or enter Ctrl+P. In that dialog box, click the link icon to insert a URL. Paste the image address in the field.
3. The animated GIF should appear in your reply. It appeared much bigger, but I dragged a corner of the image to scale it down and make it look less fuzzy.


Is there an easier way to do this? Yes, on a desktop or laptop. You can drag the GIF itself from another browser tab and drop it here:

Just When I Thought I Was Out They Pull Me Back In GIF

I don't think these options are possible on a phone, because you can't right click on an image, nor can you drag and drop it between tabs. I'm open to suggestions...
If you hit the dots next to the picture icon, then the double picture icon (third in on this pic) you can embed media.


Fortunately, you CAN copy a GIF from your phone and paste it to DBR:


Just press your finger on the GIF for a moment, and a menu will pop up. Select “Copy image” and then paste it here. (This doesn’t work on a desktop. You’ll only get a still image.)
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Now I'm afraid I'll get whacked if I try any of these. I may need stay away from animated GIFs, as that territory seems to be spoken for.