Gary Williams shows some hate for the Crazies

Mike Corey

So Gary, whaddya think about those Cameron Crazies? Just how crazy are they?

No crazier than here. They have about half the number of students at the game. We have 4,000; they have 2,000. They get there early, they hand out sheets to practice their cheers. If you think all that stuff is spur-of-the-moment that you see on television, I've got an exclusive for you. It's well-done. It's well-documented. If I see another story on Krzyzewskiville, I might get a little sick.

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Hopefully, this will make its way around campus today...though I don't like the concept of cheer sheets (especially after the joke pulled on Duke by MD a few years back)...
I'm pretty sure Gary Williams sits around all day thinking about Duke. As they were beating UNC, I would not be surprised if he thought, "Man, I wish this was Duke."

Man's a good coach, but he's a borderline lunatic when it comes to Duke. IMO, of course.
Yawn. I can think of roughly 117 things that concern me more about tonight's game. It was some good-natured ribbing -- nothing more.
No No Gary! Don't Say That!

GARY! What were you thinking? You just poked a bee hive! The Crazies are going to be especially wild tonight just for you! You shouldn't have done that.
Man's a good coach, but he's a borderline lunatic when it comes to Duke. IMO, of course.

I'm not convinced of just how good a coach Gary is.. I would say he is very mediocre and just got lucky that Baxter, Blake, Dixon and company all turned out much better than they were rated out of HS.
Certainly, it's ribbing, and it's completely inconsequential with regards to the game. It's nothing new from Coach Wiliams, either, just something to pass along, is all.
To be fair, I imagine it's been hard for Duke students to get too excited about the crummy teams that Gary has brought to Cameron in recent years. This year should be different.
I have this very question for Gary:

"Gary, if Duke's fans are so lame, so under-numbered, and so calculated, why is it that your school, along with every other school in the country (including UNC) have COMPLETELY duplicated Duke's atmosphere?"

Upon started to answer the question..........I have $50 on that he starts jibber jabbering about something, goes more and more quiet and then just passes out.
I don't like the cheer sheets either: they end up in the hands of opposing fans and help make the argument that the crazies are a bunch of dorks. It's unfortunate. A cheat sheet of a few opposing players' stats/issues would be one thing to hand out to a few folks, but the cheer sheets I've seen go a little too far in their (let's just say) enthusiasm.

The cheer sheets first made an appearance in the late 90s --- and no one can argue that Cameron is better because of them. So what's the point?
Do you think it's irony that Gary Williams is upset that his TEAM doesn't get more recognition when yet, he's the only coach that worries about non-game related issues the day of a big game?

I think that speaks volumes as to part of the reason why Gary has never been taken seriously. Of course, maybe Gary isn't fit for such a large student base, considering they act like a bunch of hooligans who have absolutely no class.
Is it not a bit hypocritical coming from a coach whose school hands out props for every home game? Like Wake, those cartwheel spinners aren't the students idea. I'll admit though I hate the cheat sheets too.
I'm not convinced of just how good a coach Gary is.. I would say he is very mediocre and just got lucky that Baxter, Blake, Dixon and company all turned out much better than they were rated out of HS.

I disagree. While Gary is a sweaty, paranoid, Nixonian madman, he has a great eye for talent that will fit his system and is terrific at developing players that few(if any) of the other top programs wanted. Most of his top players have only been Top 100 or 150 recruits, and are not NBA prototypes. Gary has not won all of those games by accident. The lunatic deserves some respect as a coach.
Answer the first: The "joke" played on the Crazies is in reference to the appearence of the name Myra, nickname Piggie on the cheer sheet as subosedly being Nik Caner-I'M FROM MARYLAND, NO ONE CAN BEAT ME-Medley's girlfriend. This was inreference to the supposed pre-Duke involvement of Corey Magette with a guy by the name of Myron something that souds like Piggie. The goal was to get the Crazies to chant Myra Piggie thus making hilarious fun of themselves. For the record, while the name/story made it onto the cheer sheet, most people figured out the joke and there was never a chant that occured. Some joke.

Answer the second: Perhaps Gary intentionallly is talking aboutthings not related to the game in order to take pressure of of his team. I mean, are you guys talking about the team? Are the Crazies talking about how to work the Maryland players? No, people are complaining about Gary... perhaps he gotcha.

Answer the third: Unless you are a current Cameron Crazy, your opinion of the cheer sheets is neither here not there. I have, and will continue to maintain, that the Crazies are thier own entity and they are neither better nor worse than when you or I were Crazies... they are what they are and they are whatever this incarnation makes them. If they want cheer sheets, then give 'em a copier. Writing them out free hand would take too long.
Unless you are a current Cameron Crazy, your opinion of the cheer sheets is neither here not there. I have, and will continue to maintain, that the Crazies are thier own entity and they are neither better nor worse than when you or I were Crazies... they are what they are and they are whatever this incarnation makes them.

Quoted for truth.
Unless you are a current Cameron Crazy, your opinion of the cheer sheets is neither here not there. I have, and will continue to maintain, that the Crazies are thier own entity and they are neither better nor worse than when you or I were Crazies... they are what they are and they are whatever this incarnation makes them.

Agreed. Let the kids have their fun as they see fit. They're not hurting anyone.
CivilEng is right on.

Is it wrong to think Gary Williams is not worth wasting your breath over? He's a foolish man with a very odd Napoleon-esque complex about Duke.