Will Smith smacking Chris Rock

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Well, THAT was an interesting Oscars moment.
I think it was scripted. Chris isn't taking that hit like that with almost no reaction. Replay shows it was open hand slap that barely connected. Will was barely holding back his smirk while walking back to his seat. And they don't stay focused on Will when he says what he said after and silence the broadcast way more than the FCC would require. They went silent running before anything objectionable.

That said, give me WWE storylines every Oscars, and I might watch them. I'm only watching now because the bar I watched USMNT game at had an Oscars watch party hosted by the Hawaii International Film Festival.
I think it was scripted. Chris isn't taking that hit like that with almost no reaction. Replay shows it was open hand slap that barely connected. Will was barely holding back his smirk while walking back to his seat. And they don't stay focused on Will when he says what he said after and silence the broadcast way more than the FCC would require. They went silent running before anything objectionable.

What is the upside? It is a terrible look for Will, and if it turns out to be staged then they both just look bad. I agree something seems off about the way both guys acted, but I'm not buying that it was staged just yet.
What is the upside? It is a terrible look for Will, and if it turns out to be staged then they both just look bad. I agree something seems off about the way both guys acted, but I'm not buying that it was staged just yet.
The upside is we're talking about them.

I'm less convinced after his speech, though.
Definitely not scripted. Oscars screwed this up royally. They should not have allowed Smith to talk. It was painful watching him. You can’t assault a comedian for making a joke. Ever. it was ugly. And awful. Will Smith should be banned from the Oscars forever (barring a full fledged unqualified apology tomorrow, and even then he should be banned for years).
Definitely not scripted. Oscars screwed this up royally. They should not have allowed Smith to talk. It was painful watching him. You can’t assault a comedian for making a joke. Ever. it was ugly. And awful. Will Smith should be banned from the Oscars forever (barring a full fledged unqualified apology tomorrow, and even then he should be banned for years).

Yeah, I can't believe they let him stay much less go up and speak/accept the award.
Initially I was very judgmental of Will’s action but I understood him more after watching his incredibly emotional and mentally fragile acceptance speech. (Btw if the acceptance speech was scripted then Will Smith definitely deserved his Oscar.) What he did was wrong and it comes from a destructive macho ethos that permeates our society. But Im convinced he is feeling emotionally overwhelmed by his life and as a result overreacted, but his heart was in the right place. Clearly his role in King Richard has taken emotional root in his real life.

To be clear Im not defending his action and would be fine if he were charged for assault. But I firmly believe his mindset at the moment was protecting his wife even though he went about it in the wrong way.

On an unrelated note, no one I would rather see publicly slapped than Chris Rock. He uses comedy as a tool of subtle cruelty, launching hurtful personal attacks his whole career. He had stepped over the line with Jaden before.
Reading several people saying they think this will have a nasty impact moving forward… that Smith doing it sort of “sets the table” for other people in the future doing it at comedy clubs/with comedians. Hopefully not the case.
Geez. Try and get some sleep after a rough three weeks of basketball, and I miss the only interesting Oscars moment in a decade or two.

That smack is all over the internet. Glad there's something to distract from Things That Matter.
I think Chris Rock needs to apologize. To Jada Pinkett first. Then to everyone for being a lazy comedian.
Chris Rock’s joke was in very poor taste but you don’t get to punch someone for telling an offensive joke, even if it’s directed at your spouse. I worry about the lines we are crossing as a society. Things are already too violent out there. We don’t need our celebrities modeling misguided macho violence in response to verbal disrespect.
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