I think it was scripted. Chris isn't taking that hit like that with almost no reaction. Replay shows it was open hand slap that barely connected. Will was barely holding back his smirk while walking back to his seat. And they don't stay focused on Will when he says what he said after and silence the broadcast way more than the FCC would require. They went silent running before anything objectionable.Well, THAT was an interesting Oscars moment.
I think it was scripted. Chris isn't taking that hit like that with almost no reaction. Replay shows it was open hand slap that barely connected. Will was barely holding back his smirk while walking back to his seat. And they don't stay focused on Will when he says what he said after and silence the broadcast way more than the FCC would require. They went silent running before anything objectionable.
The upside is we're talking about them.What is the upside? It is a terrible look for Will, and if it turns out to be staged then they both just look bad. I agree something seems off about the way both guys acted, but I'm not buying that it was staged just yet.
Yeah, I didn't write what Will said because a word would get wankerized.Tweet of uncensored version. (Adding the "Spoiler" step due to language not safe for work)
That's kinda where I'm at. There's so much weird about it, though.Will’s speech basically ends the talk that it was all scripted. He knows he messed up bigly.
Definitely not scripted. Oscars screwed this up royally. They should not have allowed Smith to talk. It was painful watching him. You can’t assault a comedian for making a joke. Ever. it was ugly. And awful. Will Smith should be banned from the Oscars forever (barring a full fledged unqualified apology tomorrow, and even then he should be banned for years).
Tweet of uncensored version. (Adding the "Spoiler" step due to language not safe for work)