Nice to see more info on this. The article makes lot of senses. Things do not add up. Teachers do not spend the time that it would take to teach 60 students one on one for nothing. If this was done correcctly, having taught residents before the amount of time involved would be astronomical if the student was expected to learn or even produce work. The time just to meet with the student, say 60 minutes once a week ... and this just doesn't make any sense at all. Either Nyang’oro is one of the most generious people of all time or something is rotten in Denmark.
Obviousluy UNC has no vested interest in getting to the truth (hmmmm wonder why). If matching up students to courses taken is difficult for UNC, then they actually have much larger prolems over there than this AFAM studies issues.
I think if the SBI stays interested in the whole mess we are going to discover a very interesting and perhaps intensive paper mill for athletes at the bottom of this pile of manure.
I thing the main questions is how interested will the SBI remain in this? This has now become a political affair and you all know how they can turn given the powers to be in the political seats of power.
Obviousluy UNC has no vested interest in getting to the truth (hmmmm wonder why). If matching up students to courses taken is difficult for UNC, then they actually have much larger prolems over there than this AFAM studies issues.
I think if the SBI stays interested in the whole mess we are going to discover a very interesting and perhaps intensive paper mill for athletes at the bottom of this pile of manure.
I thing the main questions is how interested will the SBI remain in this? This has now become a political affair and you all know how they can turn given the powers to be in the political seats of power.