This seems to be the most logical assessment.
I won't get into the climate change debate and where we humans fit into the discussion. But I will say, after having spent quite a bit of time in several European countries this past year, they are light years ahead of us when it comes to reducing waste and handling the waste they do produce.
I'm not saying they're saving the planet, but just from a cleanliness aspect, I like what they are doing.
For example, in Denmark and Sweden, it's darn near impossible to find a trash can to throw anything away because they just don't generate a lot of trash. Want a bag at the grocery store? Fine, it's $2 per bag. That'll teach you.
And what trash they do generate is sent to processing centers in each town. They burn the trash to generate heat, which is then sent out to heat the homes and provide hot water.
They are so good at it, that they have run out of trash, and have started importing trash from other countries and charging them for it.
I don't care whether people eat meat or not, or what kind of light bulbs they use, but we can be a little better about the amount of trash we produce and how we handle it.
I was on the way home from the outer Banks this weekend and the amount of plastic bags and bottles in the ditches and fields made me visibly angry. It's embarrassing.