excellent posting on a local forum. Our state has just about nothing but very small towns (ours is population 3,000) and so for years a company called Front Porch Forum provides provides a moderated service, you can submit stuff like used tires for sale, looking for a lost dog or cat, complain about speeders, whatever. Small town stuff.
Two days ago there was a post from a guy who said his daughter came home for Thanksgiving, and "somehow her little black dog got out." Big problem here, lost cats are routinely devoured, small dogs at risk, too, too many predators like fishers and coyotes.
Yesterday we got the update: small black dog NOT missing. It had gotten under the guy's recliner and when he went to bed the dog was trapped there. Did not bark or make a sound. Family looked everywhere. Then the guy sits back in the recliner and the dog emerges, a bit bewildered. So there's your happy ending.