Gonna be an interesting week. My department is interviewing a faculty candidate who does work that is very similar to mine. I found out about the interview from this person rather than from my boss. He called me in for a meeting; his spin was that they were recruiting someone and it would be a wonderful collaborative opportunity for me. Based on my conversations with said candidate, I don’t view it as a positive. Part of my conversation with this person was them telling me how well they treat the staff scientist who does similar work to me. I pointed out that I’m faculty, not a staff scientist. Then, when I told them about the paper we have out for review, they called it “incredible beginner’s luck.” For context, I found something in our data and encouraged my colleagues to follow up. Two years later, they did. As it turns out, I may have discovered something extremely important in onset of the disease my collaborator studies. But, hey, beginner’s luck.
I have a sneaking suspicion about what “collaboration” means to my boss, and it is nothing good for me. I have a theory based on a lot of snippets of conversations I’ve put together. I’ll soon find out if I’m right.