Good Thoughts

Well, the blood work remains good, so I can't get out of knee replacement next The oncologist seems pleased. I started the Ensure shakes this morning and took my last vitamin D, oyster shell calcium, and pro-biotic until after surgery. I won't know if it's partial or total until I wake up. Hopefully, just one night in the hospital. I am a little anxious about rehab this time since I'm two and a half years older and am dealing with cancer/treatment. Send some strengthening thoughts please. LGD!!
You've got this!
Well, the blood work remains good, so I can't get out of knee replacement next The oncologist seems pleased. I started the Ensure shakes this morning and took my last vitamin D, oyster shell calcium, and pro-biotic until after surgery. I won't know if it's partial or total until I wake up. Hopefully, just one night in the hospital. I am a little anxious about rehab this time since I'm two and a half years older and am dealing with cancer/treatment. Send some strengthening thoughts please. LGD!!
I'm sure you'll handle it wonderfully. You seem to have the right mental state going in for success.nothing but positives from this.
Your rehab will benefit you in multiple ways .
Easy peasy you got this in the bag.
Struggling...but improving (so they say). In home rehab twice a week at the moment and follow up with the surgeon's office in about a week. Please keep sending thoughts of strength. Let's get to 3-0 this weekend and hopefully, I'll qualify for a medical redshirt. LGD!!
I recently went to hokas for walking .I was thinking maybe they would take some of the shock out while your rehabbing.
I have no idea ,it was just a thought that crossed my got this .in a few weeks you'll be much improved.
Struggling...but improving (so they say). In home rehab twice a week at the moment and follow up with the surgeon's office in about a week. Please keep sending thoughts of strength. Let's get to 3-0 this weekend and hopefully, I'll qualify for a medical redshirt. LGD!!

If I make it down for a game this fall, I expect to see you up and about and ready for a long walk with that knee.
I recently went to hokas for walking .I was thinking maybe they would take some of the shock out while your rehabbing.
I have no idea ,it was just a thought that crossed my got this .in a few weeks you'll be much improved.
thumbs up for Hokas...I have three pairs....check out what the nurses in hospitals are wearing these days, it's Hoka Land.
thumbs up for Hokas...I have three pairs....check out what the nurses in hospitals are wearing these days, it's Hoka Land.
That's exactly why I bought some. Tried them on I was sold.even got my wife and kids a pair each.
I try to get two miles a night on my walks.
My poor lab can't do any further.hes getting older.
I'd worn Nikes for years (because they fit well) but we walk a lot here with our friends and they all got evangelical about Hokas a few years ago and my wife insisted on buying me a pair and now I'm addicted...5-6 miles every day, they feel SO good. Developed by French people running down hill, what else could you possibly want?
Today is the one year anniversary of being diagnosed with lymphoma. Rushed into emergency surgery for a blockage caused by a swollen lymphnode. A few days later learning the type I had/have that was dormant at last check . I'm Very appreciative of every day I have been given since .
Hopefully I can appreciate quite a few more years of this anniversary.
Today is the one year anniversary of being diagnosed with lymphoma. Rushed into emergency surgery for a blockage caused by a swollen lymphnode. A few days later learning the type I had/have that was dormant at last check . I'm Very appreciative of every day I have been given since .
Hopefully I can appreciate quite a few more years of this anniversary.
attaboy..keep up the good work. I can relate...I was diagnosed with a form of leukemia 20+ years ago and I'm still doing really well....
Back from my follow up two week + 2 days visit to the surgeon's office. Staples and stitches removed. Bandage replaced and permission given to let the area get wet in the shower (no scrubbing). X-rays, wound, and knee look good. I am so tired after the drive over to Anderson (north campus) and back. My PT person seemed pleased with my improvement yesterday. I won't be able to suit up for MTSU tomorrow; however, I will do my best to get us to 4-0 from home. Hopefully, I will transition from walker to cane next week and begin to rehab at Excel in Clemson the following week. Still accepting surgery presents, Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. LGD!
Back from my follow up two week + 2 days visit to the surgeon's office. Staples and stitches removed. Bandage replaced and permission given to let the area get wet in the shower (no scrubbing). X-rays, wound, and knee look good. I am so tired after the drive over to Anderson (north campus) and back. My PT person seemed pleased with my improvement yesterday. I won't be able to suit up for MTSU tomorrow; however, I will do my best to get us to 4-0 from home. Hopefully, I will transition from walker to cane next week and begin to rehab at Excel in Clemson the following week. Still accepting surgery presents, Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. LGD!
way to go!
And on the Hoka front, Nike just changed CEOs, and one reason stated was companies like Hoka taking market share. Rest up and then strap on some Hokas