Any Astronomy Buffs Here?

We've been camping at Jordan Lake this weekend and spent time on one of the beaches last night comet watching. I forgot that it was also an evening for the Orionid meteor shower, which made the night fun as well. While the comet was noticeably faded from earlier in the week, taking advantage of the dark sky before the moon came up was perfect. My favorite photo was one I took of my wife, sitting next to my 8" dobsonian telescope, waiting for the sun to go down as we both scanned the sky for the comet. (We were finally both able to see it with the naked eye, but it took a while.) In the photo, you can just make out Venus above the scope.

OK! Perhaps not exactly astronomy, but..

I’m not sure how much SciFi real/imaginary spaceships and their speed you happen to be into, but I found this video that had a lot of interesting information. It gives some perspective on how long it takes to go between galaxies (maybe a little):

I had a laugh when they included the (Fireball) XL-5 from the ‘60s.
Great show, and a great intro song.

Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving.

OK! Perhaps not exactly astronomy, but..

I’m not sure how much SciFi real/imaginary spaceships and their speed you happen to be into, but I found this video that had a lot of interesting information. It gives some perspective on how long it takes to go between galaxies (maybe a little):

I had a laugh when they included the (Fireball) XL-5 from the ‘60s.
Great show, and a great intro song.

Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving.

Any video that ends with a Spongebob shout out is worth the watch.
In Memory of President Jimmy Carter, here is his letter that was placed on Voyager I:

Voyager I is 15 billion miles from earth (Pluto averages less than 4 billion miles from the sun); plus or minus 93 million miles depending on the calendar.

Here is an article with Carter's other space related contributions:
