I'm waiting for that one conservative to show up and make an honest case like the following:
I understand that he lies constantly, that he's a convicted felon, that he's openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, that he vilifies minority groups, that he led an insurrection against the results of the last election, that he's publicly sided with Putin over our intelligence agencies, and that lot of the senior people that worked for him have warned that he's a grave threat to our country.
But as much as I don't like these things and don't like the man's character, I don't want the Democrats woke agenda because I feel like it devalues normal white people. I believe Trump will remove a lot of the immigrants in this country which I think will be a good thing. I think Trump's tax plan is better for my family. And I think all this talk about Trump ending democracy is nonsense.
I would respect an opinion or argument like this because it's clear someone is weighing all the facts to reach a conclusion. I might not agree with them, but I would respect their position. The problem is that very, very few Americans have a clear-eyed view of all the facts because they live in their little bubbles where truth and facts are masked and are malleable.
And it's also the reason why so many well-educated and clear-eyed conservatives who do see all the facts have made the decision to leave the Republican Party and are in this purgatory of never-Trumpers.
Doesn't matter now. Trump and friends have all the power. Whatever comes next for our country - the good, the bad, or the ugly - will all fall on them.