2024 FB Bowl Watch

Playoff bowls are announced Sunday at noon, so we should know by dinner Sunday where we're playing and whom we will be beating.
I'll be pulling for Clemson over SMU, it's the only way the ACC might have two teams in the playoffs. Otherwise Duke and everyone else gets bumped down a notch. (Plus, I'd rather that total conference newbies not win the championship their very first season.)
I'll be pulling for Clemson over SMU, it's the only way the ACC might have two teams in the playoffs. Otherwise Duke and everyone else gets bumped down a notch. (Plus, I'd rather that total conference newbies not win the championship their very first season.)
Clemson over SMU, Duke gets a better bowl.

SMU over Clemson, DaughterPK’s Alabama (and thus by tuition extension, my Alabama) likely stays in the playoffs.

So I guess I’ll focus on the positive of either outcome. But a warm Duke bowl would sure be a refreshing change. (Not that Birmingham was cold last year, but ….)
I'll be pulling for Clemson over SMU, it's the only way the ACC might have two teams in the playoffs. Otherwise Duke and everyone else gets bumped down a notch. (Plus, I'd rather that total conference newbies not win the championship their very first season.)
No guarantees SMU gets in after a loss, but like you said, there's a chance.
i think that's a bad prediction.
I think so too and certainly hope so, but it is not implausible. Predictions have been all over the place. I still think our best outcome Saturday evening would be a Clemson victory over SMU in a terrific close game.
I think so too and certainly hope so, but it is not implausible. Predictions have been all over the place. I still think our best outcome Saturday evening would be a Clemson victory over SMU in a terrific close game.
indeed, figuring out bowl bids is eight dimensional chess, LOL at those sites predicting bowls months in advance.
I did hear Manny say he wanted someplace warm, so I'm sure Nina will do what she can (which is also limited).