Search results

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    Duke taking on UNC in one more way

    Camp Kesem North Carolina is a joint Duke-UNC student group that runs free summer camps for 200+ kids each summer. The catch? All of the kids have parents who have or have had cancer. The students raise money, recruit student volunteers and volunteer professional staff, and do all the planning...
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    Alaskan Cruises

    Looking to book a family cruise to Alaska for next summer - can anybody weigh in on specific cruise lines & length of their trip? Thanks!
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    San Juans, Bainbridge, etc..

    Hey Folks, I'd love to hear if anyone has had a great trip to any of the Washington islands... I have the chance to get my family all together in Seattle this June and I'd love to convince everyone to stay an extra couple of days and go somewhere cool, maybe 2-4 days, only requirement I suppose...
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    Selling through iTunes

    I am trying to figure out how to sell short video clips (<5 minutes) through iTunes. I've found a lot of programs that claim you need to partner with them and pay a lot of money to make it work. Anyone familiar with this process/have any recommendations?
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    KU & checking on athletes' class attendance

    Kansas hires "class checkers" to check the attendance of its athletes, those who are new to the program and those who are struggling.
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    North Dakota/South Dakota

    Who has been to either of the Dakotas? Still trying to decide if I'm bringing my car to Seattle for the summer portion of my grad program, but if I do I am leaving from DC and have a limited amount of time (4.5 days) and can probably only fit in one of the Dakotas. Would love to see the Badlands...
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    Car registration/permanent address

    My current permanent address is in Atlanta. In June I am leaving Georgia for graduate school. Due to the nature of the graduate program I will be bouncing around different states for the next year, 2-3 months in each location for internships, and no one will be living at the current address...
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    Crazy Towel Guy

    Herb was at both days of the Men's and Women's home fencing meet this past weekend, the first time I've ever seen him there. I didn't get a chance to talk to him but I heard from someone else that he has made himself a goal of going to home meets for all Duke sports this year. Pretty cool. Oh...
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    Texas Tech Coach Mike Leach fired For his treatment of a player after player received a concussion. Allegedly includes making player stand by himself in a room where he could not sit or lean. Player is son of ESPN college football analyst Craig James.
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    Highlands, NC vacation

    We are going to the Highlands for a 2 day sledding trip as a reward with some of the kids in my program. Anybody spent any quality time up there and have a great housing suggestion? I've just started looking at cabins and thought I'd see if there are any tips. There will be 10 boys, 2 chaperones.
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    I rent a house in very poor quality. We have a ton of plumbing and heating/air conditioning issues. Starting last March we've had plumbers in and out of here. My landlord loves to send "friends" in to fix things instead of qualified professionals, and they never do the job adequately. We got a...
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    Help prove Duke/UNC is the best rivalry out there

    Hi to All, For the past 2 years I have served as an AmeriCorps volunteer (full time service program) with Fugees Family, a small non-profit in the Atlanta area. We serve refugee boys from over 25 different countries, through soccer and academic enrichment programs. We pull the boys in through...
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    Atlanta Rain

    Who else is getting these crazy storms that have been hitting Atlanta since last Wednesday? I read that we've gotten around 10 inches of rain, but I don't think that counts today which was just as heavy. Anybody have any good pictures?
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    Hand held vacuum

    Anybody have a good one that they love? I am looking to buy one and would love some recommendations. I had one in college but was not terribly impressed with it. Your basic black & decker, was never really the same after the first couple of months no matter how often you cleaned the filter...
  15. D internet

    There have been a ton of ads for internet in Atlanta recently. Anybody know anything about them? According to their coverage map they cover most of the city...
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    Schwinn bikes

    Anybody know anything about Schwinn bikes these days? I am hearing mixed reviews. I am looking for an affordable bike to commute around town on - specifically interested in the Gridlock Comfort Bike, which I can only find at Target... It doesn't have to be the best bike in the world, but I do...
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    Pat Knight

    Pat Knight ran across the court to complain at the officials after a bad call. Funny he was wearing sneakers for the Coaches v Cancer which probably made the running a lot easier.
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    We have a printer/photocopier in our office (somewhere between a regular sized printer and a normal sized photocopier.) Does anyone know if it takes the same amount of ink to print something twenty times as it does to print it once and photocopy it? Thanks.
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    ACC Road Games

    I'm glad Duke broke the "streak" and became the first team to win an ACC home game this season. Certainly thought that would end with UNC first. I couldn't celebrate the result of the UNC game tonight until we had that 25-7 (?) run in the second half.
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    Call forwarding

    I currently have a 919 number from my years in North Carolina but find it to be a burden when giving out my number for work now that I'm in Atlanta - many don't care, but just as many won't use a long distance number for various reasons. I'm currently 6 months in to a 2 year cell phone Family...