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  1. L

    Welcome to Duke Darian Mensah !

    Well, if I can just win the lottery Saturday night, I can pitch in. 😁
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    Buh bye! Mack Brown out at UNC, Bill Belichick in

    I watched the "A Football Life" about Bill, and I found I liked him after seeing more than just snips in the press. I do hope he doesn't succeed at unc.
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    MBB: Duke 70, Seattle 48 Post-game Thread

    All other things aside, I loved the crowd's vocal explosion when Hubbard cam into the game. It's great to see him appreciated for all of his dedication over the years.
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    MBB: Duke 70, Seattle 48 Post-game Thread

    It was the next section over from where I was, and they were doing CPR on someone. But it looked like he was revived and they walked him down (carefully).
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    New Cameron "Scoreboard”

    I went to my first game there last Friday. I kinda thought it was a huge scoreboard for Cameron, but to be fair the only other college games I've been to were UNCW so not much to draw any comparisons to. I did like the replays, but it seemed to me to be very "busy" and like others have said...
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    Finally going to Cameron for a game

    After years, finally going to a game at Cameron. Going to see them play Seattle Nov 29th. Any decent place to eat on campus or should we look elsewhere? We're staying at the JB Duke hotel after the game.