Fortunately, if the initial reports are correct, neither any of the congressional staff nor the Capitol police were killed (nor was the shooter, who is in custody). Steve Scalise is apparently in surgery after being shot in the hip. Currently the motive for the shooting attack is unknown, however one congressman reports that he was asked about 4 or 5 minutes before the shooting started whether it was Republicans or Democrats practicing.

If, indeed, there was a political motivation to the attack, this speaks, I think, to the toxic political atmosphere in the country. It also further heightens my admiration for this community, on DBR, that, through tremendous efforts by the mods (particularly JE) as well as a general attempt by passionate and informed participants to maintain decorum and civility, that we could maintain an election thread through one of the most bizarre and contentious presidential elections of my lifetime without degenerating to the level of vitriol seen in our nation's politics right now.

Hopefully everyone involved in this incident will be okay, and the shooter will have his day in court.