SETI has discovered a really, really strong signal coming from the vicinity of a star that is a lot, lot, lot like our star. Remember this day, people... it is the day we discovered alien life.

Maybe... either that or it is yet another "Close but we just are not sure" moment like that giant alien object that was blocking out a star recently.

Anyway, here is more on the signal from space. If it is what we think it is, the aliens are a lot, lot, lot more advanced than we are.

The signal’s strength indicates that if it in fact came from a isotropic beacon, the power source would have to be built by a Kardashev Type II civilization. (The Kardashev scale is used to determine the progress of a civilization’s technological development by measuring how much energy was used to transmit an interstellar message.) An ‘Isotropic’ beacon means a communication source emitting a signal with equal power in all directions while promoting signal strength throughout travel.

In his acclaimed work “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations,” Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev explained that a Type II civilization would be able to harness the energy of their entire host star. The most common hypothetical example of this would be a Dyson Sphere—which is a massive artificial structure that could completely encapsulate a star and transfer the energy to a nearby planet.

Basically, if the signal was beamed out into the galaxy without aim or direction, that would require an enormous amount of power to actually be detected. But what if the signal was beamed specifically at our solar system? Well, that would require less energy and could indicate the presence of a Kardashev Type I civilization—meaning that it could be a highly technological, contemporary society that harnesses the solar energy emitted by its local star, much like our planet does with solar panels.
-Jason "the universe is really, really big... there just has to be other life out there, IMO" Evans