Released in the US about two weeks ago, this is a remarkable Aussie and Brit film about one man's story of revenge and forgiveness arising from the imprisonment and enslavement of about 100,000 troops after the fall of Singapore in early 1942.

It stars Colin Firth and and Jeremy Irvine as the older and younger Eric Lomax, the author upon whose book the film is based. Their performances are outstanding (You'd expect that from Firth, but Irvine is new to me.) It also stars Nicole Kidman. How can a moviegoer go wrong? Firth and Kidman...You bet...

I'd have to say, though, that the screenwriters and director Jonathan Teplitzky, are the ones who make this film outstanding. It takes place over two basic time frames and they weave the two together in a stylish and dramatically revealing way.

As an historic matter, this film is quite accurate. As far as Lomax's personal story is concerned, it is horrifying but ultimately quite satisfactory. The as yet unnamed syndrome of PTSD plays a strong role here.

Highly recommended. Does have hints of Bridge Over the River Kwai and Unbroken (Louis Zamperini's story by Laura Hillenbrand). The film is rated R due to violence perpetrated upon the POWs.