At a fellow Southern institution of high learning the president has really stepped into it.

There are some subjects that are better off not used as examples. (As an aside I did find it curious that one poster on the concealed carry thread mentioned he supported "the entire constitution"). As a bit of a Civil War buff I do find this compromise fascinating in that as much as Southerners argued later that slaves were property the 3/5ths compromise argued that perhaps they were people, or at least 3/5ths of one. It actually is a good example of compromise, the North wanted the slaves to count for taxation purposes but not so much for representation and for the Southern States it was the reverse. The issue of slavery also totally vexed members that were at the Constitutional Convention and perhaps the real compromise is to not mention slavery. I think our present "leaders" in Washington could use learn this lesson: there are some issues even large ones that we cannot and will not agree upon but that does not mean we can't get anything done.