Quote Originally Posted by cspan37421 View Post
I just hope I can find a 5- or 10-pack of safety razors to try ... locally just so I don't get crushed (% wise, not absolute $ wise) on shipping. I've seen one can buy 100 for $25 or so shipped, but dang, I think it would take me almost 4 years to use 100 razors (assuming I could get 10 shaves out of each, which apparently is on the optimistic side?!). They might rust before I got through them! Or I might not even like shaving with them after short while. [how long is the learning curve for safety razor?]

The razor handed (up) to me by cspanjr is a Harry's, I think. The handle unscrews from the two top pieces, which just are layered and come apart.

I remember when young my dad had one that opened on the top like double doors. This one doesn't do that.

I don't mind if the safety razor blades costs a bit more than disposables (which I can get around 25 cents per and they really do last 2 weeks easily). I do have a bit of plastic throwaway guilt. Though probably vastly more plastic goes out with toothbrushes, as they're solid handles. And I can think of a lot of other examples worse than razors (1-use plastic bottles for beverages ... that's the low-hanging fruit in plastic pollution). But I want to do what I can, and I like the retro angle (ha ha) of the safety razor. (how does one travel with it though? Take your time in answering, it won't matter for awhile!)
I started out at Shave Nation for my first set of supplies https://shavenation.com/