View Full Version : This can be merged into the pre-game thread . . .

03-04-2019, 01:56 PM
but I have an issue with today's Chronicle Centerfold, "Cellar Dwellers". As a Wake grad, I find this a bit harsh. ESPECIALLY when there are no more GO TO HELL CAROLINA chants anymore. Bring back the GTHC chants EVERY game, and you pick on poor little Wake Forest all you want.

03-04-2019, 01:57 PM
but I have an issue with today's Chronicle Centerfold, "Cellar Dwellers". As a Wake grad, I find this a bit harsh. ESPECIALLY when there are no more GO TO HELL CAROLINA chants anymore. Bring back the GTHC chants EVERY game, and you pick on poor little Wake Forest all you want.

truth hurts...maybe the radio guy is selling the playbook for the basketball team, too.

03-04-2019, 02:58 PM
Ugh, I agree, it's not the best idea the Chronicle has ever come up with and I don't doubt there won't be more lame decisions by the brain trust there in the future.