View Full Version : Reaper

09-27-2007, 09:52 AM
Did anyone else watch this show that the critics have been drooling all over?

I am a huge Kevin Smith fan, and he is very involved in the series even directing the pilot, but I just did not connect with it at all. The dialogue seemed juvenile and was rarely anything close to clever. The actors were ok, I guess, but I didn't really care about any of them. The story really turned me off. I like the pitch (a kid who reluctantly works for the Devil because his parents sold his soul before he was born) but the execution was simplistic and had no nuance at all. The conflict with the arsonist was too quick and not even a little bit interesting. All the critics were raving about Ray Wise as Satan, but he was barely in it and the only part I really enjoyed was when he smushed the guy with the zamboney.

My wife hated it.

I have no sense that there will be any ongoing storyline. Each episode will stand on its own as a "how do we get this week's monster" story. Yawn.

I rarely do this, almost always giving a show multiple weeks to turn me off, but we are deleting this from our Tivo season pass right now and will not be tuning in again anytime soon.

--Jason "too bad, I had high hopes" Evans

09-27-2007, 09:56 AM
I watched it. Haven't given up on it yet. I've been lacking something to fill that paranormal sorta comedy niche that Buffy and Angel left abandoned. Without an ongoing arc, I too will be giving up shortly, but I'm holding out hope.

09-27-2007, 10:07 AM
I liked it. But then again, I am one of the few people I know who liked The Loop (also starring Bret Harrison), so what do I know. I think it was funny in a juvenile kind of way, but I don't think it pretends to be more than that. And its got Spanish from Old School as one Sam's friends, so it's got that going for it. Yeah, the fight with the lost soul wasn't all that great, but I think the first episode spent a lot of time introducing you to the characters and building up the back story, and hopefully the "capturing souls" part of the show will get more in depth as the season progresses. I think one thing the show has going for it is that the concept is different than anything that is out there, and I believe it has the potential to blossom into a really good show. (translation: the love interest is smokin'). Anyway, just my 2 cents.

09-27-2007, 10:37 AM
Wow Jason - normally you and I agree on things...but on this one we are exact opposites. I liked the acting, I liked the writing, and my wife loved it as well. We are in. I thought the "Devil" was perfect - especially buying stuff for him so he could win the ham.

Will let you know if it gets better.

09-27-2007, 03:42 PM
Did anyone else watch this show that the critics have been drooling all over?

I am a huge Kevin Smith fan, and he is very involved in the series even directing the pilot, but I just did not connect with it at all. The dialogue seemed juvenile and was rarely anything close to clever. The actors were ok, I guess, but I didn't really care about any of them. The story really turned me off. I like the pitch (a kid who reluctantly works for the Devil because his parents sold his soul before he was born) but the execution was simplistic and had no nuance at all. The conflict with the arsonist was too quick and not even a little bit interesting. All the critics were raving about Ray Wise as Satan, but he was barely in it and the only part I really enjoyed was when he smushed the guy with the zamboney.

My wife hated it.

I have no sense that there will be any ongoing storyline. Each episode will stand on its own as a "how do we get this week's monster" story. Yawn.

I rarely do this, almost always giving a show multiple weeks to turn me off, but we are deleting this from our Tivo season pass right now and will not be tuning in again anytime soon.

--Jason "too bad, I had high hopes" Evans

It was uneven, but it certainly had its moments.

The last conversation Sam had with Satan was pretty funny (the one that ended with Satan swaggering off after the pudgy middle-aged woman who smiled at him). I thought the DMV sequence was pretty funny, too. Centering on the Home Depot wannabee big box store was clever.

It certainly has problems. The pacing was off, and the fight was anti-climactic. REALLY anti-climactic. If it's a comedy, it's a bit long. If it's a dramedy, where's the drama? I think that's going to be the hardest problem to solve.

I had NO expectations going in, if I had heard this was going to be THE BREAKOUT SHOW OF THE YEAR I'd be disappointed.

Some of the stuff that clunked the most was the typical pilot backstory stuff. Not every pilot can be like Lost's. Hopefully, some of the praise is coming from people who've seen the next couple of shows.

Reaper's got a great secondary cast (Tyler Labine, Ray Wise). Reaper's got some real hurdles, but I'm not giving up yet.

09-27-2007, 05:24 PM
Is this a comedy?

09-27-2007, 05:33 PM
And its got Spanish from Old School as one Sam's friends, so it's got that going for it.

Thank you for making that connection for me. I kept thinking "how do I know that guy" every time he was on the screen.

I didn't think it was groundbreakingly great or bad -- I kept bouncing between it and another show, proving only the more my need to promptly obtain a dual hd tivo box. I'll probably tune in to the show again to see if they can catch their wind if I happen to have the tube on. I won't be adding it to my queue.

I liked the devil character. The "I can move things with my mind . . . " bit was also pretty funny.

09-28-2007, 12:18 PM
I actually don't recall hearing about it...strange I know. what network is it on?

09-28-2007, 01:05 PM
Its on the CW.