View Full Version : Duke artwork (You choose the subjects)

06-24-2013, 05:19 PM
After finishing my latest Duke painting, "903 & Kounting (http://www.jasonrobichau.com/#!903-and-kounting-lithograph/c1wih)", I received a number of emails and forum posts suggesting Duke players that they would have loved to have seen depicted in the painting. My plan over the next few years is to do a collection of paintings featuring some of the all-time great Duke players starting with the pre-Coach K era, players from the 1980's, the 1990's, and the 2000's. I have decided to let you, the fans of Duke, decide which player from each era I will paint at a time. If you don't mind, please click on the link and vote for one player from each era for me to depict in a painting http://www.jasonrobichau.com/#!duke-poll/c9el

06-25-2013, 04:01 PM
Jason, I'm at my very elderly grandfather's house vistiing today, and it may be the very old creaky computer I'm using here--it has a manual return arm to go to the next line and when you hit it a mechanical bell rings :)--but your link won't connect for me. Proabaly a problem on my end (though everything else is connecting) but I thought I'd call it to your attention so that you might check the link.

Good luck with the painitngs. I've enjoyed the purchases made from you which were offered here on DBR.

06-25-2013, 08:37 PM
I wrote in votes for either Kenny Dennard, Dave Colonna, or Alaa Abdnelnaby ... and you'll probably sell more on the internet if they are not limited to hoops depictions ...