On the episode where Kirk faced off against Lord Garth, and Garth turned himself into an image of Kirk then tried to beam up to the Enterprise but couldn't because he didn't know the proper response to "Kings to Queens Level Four," well, why did Kirk and company initiate that little plan anyway?

I can't recall even one other occassion where Kirk or anyone else instructed members of the bridge to request a response to "Kings to Queens level Four" before beaming up to the ship.

But on this certain mission, for whatever reason, they just had the good fortune to decide to implement this little tactic. It worked, and I'm glad. Otherwise, Garth would have taken over the Enterprise, Kirk would have been stuck on the planet with the green chick (no wait, Garth blew her up) and all hell would have broken lose.

Anyone have any insight why that particular command was given for that particular mission?
