It's Graham Spanier, erstwhile President of Penn State, who is facing criminal charges related to Sandusky case. The criminal charges appear to be of his own idiot behavior involving a grand jury. Here's the link to the Sunday NY Times Magazine story.

Martha Stewart did jail time related to an insider-trading accusation by the SEC. She was convicted of "lying to federal investigators" because she insisted on marching in to see the investigators and tell them her story. They found holes and inconsistencies, and she was convicted -- not of securities fraud -- but of lying about what happened. In other words, if she had refused to talk to anyone, she would never have been convicted of anything. Didn't her lawyers have a lasso or something?

Spanier appeared before a grand jury investigating the involvement of others in the Sandusky case and a possible coverup. He told the grand jury that he was represented by Cynthia Baldwin, an attorney and former chair of the board and state supreme court justice. She had earlier told the judge that she was representing the university exclusively. She was the key witness later in telling the grand jury and prosecutors that Spanier had not been fully forthcoming on matters she discussed with him. Attorney-client privilege? Naw, she was someone else's lawyer, and he dealt with her as though she was his private attorney. As a result, Spanier appeared before a grand jury without having an attorney at all, but thinking he actually had one, whose testimony was the basis for criminal charges against Spanier. Uh, Graham? Graham? How can you be so stupid?

Of course, if the reports are true, Baldwin should have declined to be involved in these discussions and advised him to get a real lawyer. But it is Spanier who runs the risk of jail time.