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  1. #1

    Who has most returning ACC Talent?

    I compiled some stats that summed only the returnees’ metrics from last year.

    Other than the order, UNC, Duke, NC St, Clemson, having the most returning talent and being the ACC’s best bet for NCAA tournament berths was not a surprise,

    Nor were Wake, VA Tech and BC having the least a surprise.

    Using a weighted average of minutes of game experience, total points and total rebounds, I tabulated the results where the order was very surprising

    NC St 34 12 12 10
    Clems 33 11 10 12
    UNC 31 9 11 11
    Duke 26 10 9 7

    UVA 22 7 7 8
    Miami 21 6 6 9
    FSU 21 8 8 5

    GA T 16 5 5 6

    MD 11 3 4 4
    Wake 10 4 3 3

    BC 6 2 2 2
    VA T 3 1 1 1

    With 36 being best possible score and 3 being the worst.

    Other than the order, NC St, Clemson, UNC and Duke having the most returning talent was not a surprise.

    When I sorted on total minutes of game experience, which of course is flawed if they stank:

    Team Games Min
    NC St 259 6440
    Clems 358 6091
    Duke 269 5479
    UNC 359 5397
    FSU 262 5209
    UVA 292 4654
    Miami 225 4547
    GA T 223 3910
    Wake 224 3754
    MD 197 3408
    BC 169 3347
    VA T 171 2359

    I also sorted on Total Points scored:

    Team Games Pts
    NC St 259 2310
    UNC 359 2237
    Clems 358 2194
    Duke 269 1889
    FSU 262 1736
    UVA 292 1658
    Miami 225 1634
    GA T 223 1451
    MD 197 1198
    Wake 224 1160
    BC 169 1088
    VA T 171 653

    And on Total Rebounds:

    Team Games OffRb DefRB TtlRb
    Clems 358 412 647 1059
    UNC 359 340 651 991
    NC St 259 240 750 990
    Miami 225 326 491 817
    UVA 292 265 534 799
    Duke 269 257 523 780
    GA T 223 274 446 720
    FSU 262 210 480 690
    MD 197 184 422 606
    Wake 224 198 407 605
    BC 169 159 347 506
    VA T 171 130 249 379

    Team Games Min FGM FGA FTM FTA 3PM 3PA Pts OffRb DefRb TtlRb Asst T.O. Stl Blk PF
    Clems 358 6091 839 1789 305 512 211 605 2194 412 647 1059 444 402 273 188 548
    UNC 359 5397 798 1665 502 676 139 403 2237 340 651 991 553 374 234 84 477
    NC St 259 6440 817 1654 505 699 171 483 2310 240 750 990 422 475 164 117 522
    Miami 225 4547 590 1321 312 445 142 394 1634 326 491 817 179 248 142 80 429
    UVA 292 4654 553 1275 358 505 194 530 1658 265 534 799 270 275 105 75 456
    Duke 269 5479 656 1425 384 552 193 497 1889 257 523 780 319 419 200 72 488
    GA T 223 3910 544 1076 246 391 117 313 1451 274 446 720 189 265 157 87 451
    FSU 262 5209 625 1322 313 417 173 457 1736 210 480 690 368 386 196 68 476
    MD 197 3408 433 889 265 373 67 188 1198 184 422 606 356 286 106 100 279
    Wake 224 3754 413 934 216 386 118 330 1160 198 407 605 299 327 120 47 373
    BC 169 3347 357 789 283 379 91 285 1088 159 347 506 255 223 74 92 289
    VA T 171 2359 239 521 106 175 69 172 653 130 249 379 73 92 50 59 231

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I certainly appreciate your hard work here, as I am sure every other Duke fan does as well. I love the fact that you have that much of a passion for not just Duke, but basketball in general. A genuine basketball jones for sure.

    However, with that said, the final stat column is the most chaotic thing my mind has ever tried to correctly compute When I was focusing really hard it almost took me back to the days when I was sitting in the Dentist's chair looking for bugs bunny on the ceiling.

    Obviously I am just kidding with you, ACC.

    Thanks for putting all of that together. Very, very interesting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Beyond the stats, I think you would have to say UNC and Duke. I personally think Duke has the most talent coming back, but it's the kind of thing you won't see in the stats of returning players, because we expect many of these returning players to increase their production this year and they're certainly capable of that. Furthermore, you can't quantify the lessons learned or the kind of experiences our "returnees" went through last year, the main reason I expect increased production from our returning players. So while the stats may not support it, I'd say Duke.

  4. #4


    I found a lot of your numbers intresting, if not surprising. I was actually looking for hope UNC would end up dead last and not win a game more than hope for Duke to win it all. That took a ton of time to do and I for one appreciate it. I don't know you, but you are clearly a smart person. That being said, shouldn't you be finding the cure for cancer, determining the most likely whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden or calculating exactly how many years Michael Vick will probably spend behind bars? (Also calculate the probability as to whether Lindsay Lohan will be his cell mate.) On another level, why weren't you sitting in front of me in High School math and at my SAT's so I could go to Duke????!!! You know what, just make a formula to give me tonights winning Powerball numbers and we'll call it even. Seriously though, excellent work, it is appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by ACCBBallFan View Post
    I compiled some stats that summed only the returnees’ metrics from last year.

    Other than the order, UNC, Duke, NC St, Clemson, having the most returning talent and being the ACC’s best bet for NCAA tournament berths was not a surprise,

    Nor were Wake, VA Tech and BC having the least a surprise.

    Using a weighted average of minutes of game experience, total points and total rebounds, I tabulated the results where the order was very surprising

    NC St 34 12 12 10
    Clems 33 11 10 12
    UNC 31 9 11 11
    Duke 26 10 9 7

    UVA 22 7 7 8
    Miami 21 6 6 9
    FSU 21 8 8 5

    GA T 16 5 5 6

    MD 11 3 4 4
    Wake 10 4 3 3

    BC 6 2 2 2
    VA T 3 1 1 1

    With 36 being best possible score and 3 being the worst.

    Other than the order, NC St, Clemson, UNC and Duke having the most returning talent was not a surprise.

    When I sorted on total minutes of game experience, which of course is flawed if they stank:

    Team Games Min
    NC St 259 6440
    Clems 358 6091
    Duke 269 5479
    UNC 359 5397
    FSU 262 5209
    UVA 292 4654
    Miami 225 4547
    GA T 223 3910
    Wake 224 3754
    MD 197 3408
    BC 169 3347
    VA T 171 2359

    I also sorted on Total Points scored:

    Team Games Pts
    NC St 259 2310
    UNC 359 2237
    Clems 358 2194
    Duke 269 1889
    FSU 262 1736
    UVA 292 1658
    Miami 225 1634
    GA T 223 1451
    MD 197 1198
    Wake 224 1160
    BC 169 1088
    VA T 171 653

    And on Total Rebounds:

    Team Games OffRb DefRB TtlRb
    Clems 358 412 647 1059
    UNC 359 340 651 991
    NC St 259 240 750 990
    Miami 225 326 491 817
    UVA 292 265 534 799
    Duke 269 257 523 780
    GA T 223 274 446 720
    FSU 262 210 480 690
    MD 197 184 422 606
    Wake 224 198 407 605
    BC 169 159 347 506
    VA T 171 130 249 379

    Team Games Min FGM FGA FTM FTA 3PM 3PA Pts OffRb DefRb TtlRb Asst T.O. Stl Blk PF
    Clems 358 6091 839 1789 305 512 211 605 2194 412 647 1059 444 402 273 188 548
    UNC 359 5397 798 1665 502 676 139 403 2237 340 651 991 553 374 234 84 477
    NC St 259 6440 817 1654 505 699 171 483 2310 240 750 990 422 475 164 117 522
    Miami 225 4547 590 1321 312 445 142 394 1634 326 491 817 179 248 142 80 429
    UVA 292 4654 553 1275 358 505 194 530 1658 265 534 799 270 275 105 75 456
    Duke 269 5479 656 1425 384 552 193 497 1889 257 523 780 319 419 200 72 488
    GA T 223 3910 544 1076 246 391 117 313 1451 274 446 720 189 265 157 87 451
    FSU 262 5209 625 1322 313 417 173 457 1736 210 480 690 368 386 196 68 476
    MD 197 3408 433 889 265 373 67 188 1198 184 422 606 356 286 106 100 279
    Wake 224 3754 413 934 216 386 118 330 1160 198 407 605 299 327 120 47 373
    BC 169 3347 357 789 283 379 91 285 1088 159 347 506 255 223 74 92 289
    VA T 171 2359 239 521 106 175 69 172 653 130 249 379 73 92 50 59 231

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Walnut Creek, California
    Isn't there an html way of doing columns and rows, so my eyes can separate them. As it is, I simply can't make myself follow the stats.

    Plus, shouldn't you explain the nature of the weighting?

    A.B. English Lit. '64 (so my eyes must be bad, too.)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Classof06 View Post
    Beyond the stats, I think you would have to say UNC and Duke. I personally think Duke has the most talent coming back, but it's the kind of thing you won't see in the stats of returning players, because we expect many of these returning players to increase their production this year and they're certainly capable of that. Furthermore, you can't quantify the lessons learned or the kind of experiences our "returnees" went through last year, the main reason I expect increased production from our returning players. So while the stats may not support it, I'd say Duke.
    My preconception was UNC until I thought about how much Terry and Wright played last year. No way to objectively measure the untapped potential of Thompson, Green Ginyard, Stepheson, Frasor being injured etc beyond their PT reflected inthe numbers.

    Also hard to determine the negative impact of NC State having no proven PG, as they were a different team with and without him last year. Ditto for GA Tech.

    The learning curve though is theoretically baked in by including the minutes, the points, the rebounds, the FG%, FT% and 3PT % for everybody. It applies to all teams in proportion to these.

    Any subjective judgments could be applied to the final objective stats.

    One thing I could have factored in is the ACC unbalanced schedule which is very facorable to GA Tech and MD this year as it was for UVA last year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim3k View Post
    Isn't there an html way of doing columns and rows, so my eyes can separate them. As it is, I simply can't make myself follow the stats.

    Plus, shouldn't you explain the nature of the weighting?

    A.B. English Lit. '64 (so my eyes must be bad, too.)
    I know there is because Phid used to do it on Caolina blue THR contest resutls last year.

    However knowing it exists and knowing how to accomplish it are two different things and I lack the latter.

    You can make it readable though with a printer and two different colored highlighters, though columns will still not be vertically aligned unless you cut, paste and parse into excel or 123.

    Anyone that wants the excel file can PM me with their email ID and I will forward it. Perhpas osmeone could then post the more esthetic view.

    There was no weighting applied other than ranking first in a category earns 12 points, 2nd 11th. down to last gets 1 point in that category. All categories were given equal weight, just added together.
    Last edited by ACCBBallFan; 08-15-2007 at 09:10 PM.

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