Quote Originally Posted by BD80 View Post
Actually, the movie title is Piranha 3-DD. Hardly a subtle warning for what is in store.
There are actually two. Piranha 3D was pretty good and had the R/T's score of 72 while Piranha 3DD was badly good with a R/T's score of 13%. These two films alone should help with this thread. Piranha 3D was that B-movie done humorously with gore and ridiculousness. Piranha 3DD was the over the top, terribly bad movie which was so bad, it was tough to walk away from.

I personally enjoyed both movies, but Piranha 3D was the actually enjoyable one while Piranha 3DD was just so bad and ridiculous that it was entertaining.

I don't know any websites with reviews but Sy Fy has sort of taken the mantle for these horribly good movies like Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus. Here is an article about their rules for these bad movies.
