Nothing huge here, but I happened to be thinking a bit about Lost this morning and for some reason I thought back to Jack's tattoo. At the time, his tattoo's meaning didn't seem like that big a deal. Recall that it was translated as, "he walks among us, but he is not one of us." We learned this while Jack was still a captive of the Others and it probably seemed like a reference to that situation.

But, of course, Lindelhoff and Cuse can lay clues and hints that have no meaning when we first see them but a lot more sense down the road. I think the tattoo may be just such a clue. What if the tattoo meant that Jack is now a traitor to the Lostaways and is secretly working with Ben and the Others. I've seen people specuating a bit about this and the meaning of the tattoo could imply some sort of hidden agenda or traitorous intention.

I would not be at all surprised if Ben was using Jack to make sure Juliett fulfills her mission, so she may not even know that Jack is part of Ben's plan. I think we could see Jack's treachery as the last shocking revelation at the end of the season finale.

Ben is a master manipulator-- does anyone doubt that he would figure out a way to get Jack to do his bidding before letting Jack go?

-Jason "final few episodes gonna be goooood!" Evans