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  1. #261
    Speaking of the worst episodes of LOST, showrunner Damon Lindelof had this to say this past weekend in a Q & A in Hawaii:

    What is your least favorite episode of Lost?

    Oh, my god. (Pauses) I think my least favorite episode is this episode that we did the first season called "Homecoming." It's when Claire comes back from having been in the jungle for a couple days after she was abducted by the Others, and Ethan comes after her. The backstory is Charlie is trying to go straight and he's selling copiers. At the end of the episdoe, he shoots Ethan. I wrote that episode, and it's my least favorite episode of the show ever.

    I'm surprised by that answer. It's not an episode fans usually name as their least favorite.

    The episode fans bring up most often is "Stranger in a Strange Land," which is the epiosde with Bai Ling and Jack and his tattoos. And basically, I feel like it's unfair to bag on that episode. Am I a huge fan of it? No. But at the same time, there were so many different circumstances that led to that episode that needed to be written and so many ideas that didn't work. The fact that it all coalesced ... There was a bad casting decision made. There was a bad premise decision made. There was a bad flashback story. Just everything that could go wrong did, but I don't think it was because the script was terrible. "Homecoming," I think, was flawed on almost every single level that an episode of Lost could be.

  2. #262
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    Sorry, Damon, spiders trump Bai Ling and Charlie selling copiers.
    Last edited by Bostondevil; 10-28-2009 at 12:19 AM. Reason: ETA: My post for the second NC has spiders in it. I don't think that's a good thing.

  3. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostondevil View Post

    It was obvious they intended to bring these characters on from the beginning because they shot them in the plane wreckage. You know they didn't pull that set up a second time.
    Are we sure about this? I don't think they filmed any of these two during the pilot, but I could be wrong...

  4. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowdenscold View Post
    Are we sure about this? I don't think they filmed any of these two during the pilot, but I could be wrong...
    I believe they went back and both digitally re-inserted them into the scenes from the pilot and re-shot some scenes.

    Why are you wasting time here when you could be wasting it by listening to the latest episode of the DBR Podcast?

  5. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonEvans View Post
    I believe they went back and both digitally re-inserted them into the scenes from the pilot and re-shot some scenes.

    Oh, OK. They did a very good job of inserting them in there.

  6. #266
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    Left Behind

    Stuff starts picking up now doesn't it? I'm itching to get to Season 4 so I might be a bit terse in my next few recaps. Hope you'll excuse me.

    Kate in the rec room, a noise, she sees Juliet through the window. Kate grabs a pool cue and lies in wait. Juliet opens the door, Kate swings, Juliet is a badass. Can I say badass? We'll see. Anyway, Juliet dodges the attack and leaves Kate sputtering on the floor. Nice. Juliet was just bringing Kate something to eat. Jack? The girls are fighting over you again. I hate watching girls fight, they fight dirty and it's never pretty.

    Flashback: Kate next to a broken down car. It will take 3 days to get a new fan belt. Johnny, are you telling us the truth or are you just hoping to keep Kate around? Johnny gives 'Lucy' a ride to the gas station. Cassidy is there running the necklace con. Her mark wants to call the cops. Kate helps her out. Cassidy learned her lessons, she figures out why Kate helped her - no cops! Cassidy: I'll give you a ride into town, you buy me a drink.

    Locke comes to visit Kate in the rec room. He's going off with The Others. He doesn't want to go home. He made a strong case for Kate as a good person. Locke: Then they told me who you were and what you had done. Let's just say forgiveness isn't one of their strong suits. Jack is going to have to stay behind too. Kate starts asking questions. Locke leaves.

    Hurley comes by and kicks Sawyer lightly. Hurley: Don't look at me and pretend we're not talking. People are talking about banishing Sawyer. Hurley has come to let him know. Hurley thinks it might be a good idea for Sawyer to make amends. This side plot feels like mostly filler but it's amusing as heck.

    It's morning now. Kate starts to eat the sandwich that got tossed to the floor in her fight with Juliet. She hears a noise outside. From the window she sees The Others preparing to move out. They put on gas masks and throw a canister into the rec room. Kate covers her face to no avail. She passes out.

    Flashback: Cassidy and Kate having a drink. Cassidy can tell there is something up with 'Lucy'. Kate tells her the truth about killing her stepfather. So why is she in Iowa. She wants to talk to her mother. Cassidy is a smart cookie. She knows the Feds will be watching Kate's mother. Cassidy will help her. Why? Because she fell in love with a bad guy.

    Kate wakes up outside, handcuffed to an unconcious Juliet.

    Sawyer fishing. He tries smiling at Sun. It doesn't go over well. Then he tries gutting fish. It also doesn't go well. Then he finds Hurley. He's ready to make amends.

    Kate gets a knife out of Juliet's pocket. Juliet - you are never going to sneak anything by Juliet - grabs her wrist. Juliet: What the hell am I doing here? Juliet let's go of Kate. Kate tries to get the handcuffs off with the knife. It doesn't work. Kate tells Juliet that she saw The Others leave and that Locke came to say goodbye. Juliet: Going, going where? Kate: Welcome to the wonderful work of not knowing what the hell is going on. Yes, indeed, welcome.

    Flashback: Kate goes to see her mom. The FBI are there, only it's not Kate, it's Cassidy 'selling Bibles'. Kate was watching through binoculars. They meet back up at a motel. Cassidy was questioned for half an hour. She wants to know why it's so important for Kate to talk to her mother. Her stepdad used to beat up her mom. She killed him, made it look like an accident, and took out an insurance policy so her mom would be set for life. Her mother gave her up. Kate wants to know why.

    Kate and Juliet follow a trail. Kate wonders why they are handcuffed together. Juliet: Ben has a thing for mind games. (I'll say.) Kate: Is that why he left you behind? Juliet: Do we really have to talk? Kate: Nope. It starts raining. Juliet hopes they aren't going back for Jack. A cat fight ensues (another one!). Kate manages to dislocate Juliet's shoulder. Wonder how it happened the first time? I tell you, Juliet's a badass. Then we hear Smokey. Juliet: What the hell is that? What? Juliet doesn't know about Smokey? Wow.

    Kate and Juliet run for it and hide in the bendy trees. Smokey flashes a blinding light at them. That's new. It shines the light right in their eyes so it must see them. Smokey moves away anyway. Did Smokey recognize Juliet? Juliet: Are we safe? Kate: You tell me.

    Sawyer's not kissing no baby. Hurley tells Sawyer that Claire is really influential. If she votes for him, he's home free. Sawyer awkwardly tries to make nice with Claire and Aaron. This scene is funny, but really, for influential, I would have bet on Rose. I kinda think Rose would put the kabash on any banishment vote as well, but that's just me.

    Kate can't believe that Juliet has never seen Smokey. I can't either, really. Juliet wants Kate to help her put her shoulder back. Juliet tells Kate about the cameras. Jack knows about her and Sawyer. Kate broke his heart. Kate pops the shoulder.

    Sawyer goes hunting with Desmond. Desmond is suspicious. Yeah, Sawyer's got ulterior motives. He's hunting to get votes.

    Kate and Juliet wake up in the bendy trees. OK, it wasn't night or raining on the beach. My sense of time is slightly messed up here. Anyway, they get moving.

    Flashback: Cassidy engineers a meeting in the bathroom of the diner between Kate and her mom. Mom always calls her Katherine. Mom: What are you doing here? Kate wants to know why she told. Mom thought maybe Kate wanted to say sorry. Kate's not sorry. Mom: You can't help who you love. Mom doesn't believe Kate did it for her, she did it for herself. Mom lets her go this time, but if she ever sees Kate again, the first thing she will do is yell for help.

    Kate wondes if she really broke Jack's heart. Juliet know enough about him to think that she did. Smokey returns. They approach Doorbell Stonehenge and surprise, surprise, Juliet has a key to the handcuffs. She unhooks and turns off the security fence. Kate is going to want to be on the same side as Juliet. Kate moves. Juliet turns it back on. Smokey comes right up to the fence but doesn't go through. Kate's mad now. Looks are exchanged. Juliet: All right, we don't know what it is but we know it doesn't like our fences. Juliet did get left behind. She handcuffed herself to Kate so that Kate wouldn't leave her behind too.

    Sawyer plays nice with Charlie only to discover that there isn't any vote planned. Sawyer got conned again! Sawyer, you are losing your touch. I just figured out why Sawyer is featured in this episode, we've got Cassidy in the flashbacks. Hurley points out that people look to Sawyer. Like it or not, with Jack, Kate, Locke, and Sayid all gone, Sawyer is the leader. At the boar BBQ, Claire gives Aaron to Sawyer to hold but Sun is still not in a forgiving mood.

    Kate and Juliet go back to The Barracks to get Jack. He's still out. Kate wakes him up. Jack is still out? How long were Kate and Juliet running around in the jungle? Writers, the timing is just off this episode. Kate wakes him up. She apologizes for coming back to help him and ruining everything. Jack: They just left? Even Juliet? Kate's not real happy that he asked about Juliet. Kate: No, they left her too. Jack: Why? Kate: You know her better than I do. Now what? Back to the beach!

    Flashback: Kate thanks Cassidy. Kate wants to help her now. Cassidy admits that she's pregnant and that she still loves him. Kate tells her to call the cops. Cassidy: Will you ever forgive your mom for calling the cops? Kate: No, no I won't. Kate tells Cassidy her real name.

    Jack and Sayid check The Barracks. The people (and weapons) are gone - no trail. Then Sayid sees Juliet. Sayid: She's not coming with us. Jack: Yes, she is. They left her behind too.

    Duuuunnnnn LOST

  7. #267
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    One of Us

    Sayid, Kate, Jack, and Juliet walk back to the beach. Sayid picks a campsite. Jack and Kate head out for firewood. Kate asks Jack if he wants to talk about his week with The Others. After he made the deal, Jack did what he was supposed to do, kept his head down, and didn't ask too many questions.

    Juliet is alone with Sayid, always a good idea to leave Others alone with Sayid. Juliet: OK, let's have it. Sayid has many questions, he wants to know everything, but the first thing he'd like to know is - who are you?

    Flashback: Juliet arrives at Mittilos Bioscience. Ethan gets her bags, Richard is there too. Juliet's sister has come with her but she can't go to the plane "for security reasons", so they say a tearful goodbye at the car.

    Sayid: Who are you? Juliet: If I told you who I was, if I told you everything that I know, you'd kill me. Sayid: What do you think I'll do if you don't? Jack comes back. Juliet will talk when she's ready. Until then she's under Jack's protection. Oh Jack, you big protective stud you. Kate and Sayid process that tidbit. Juliet seems grateful but then again, it's Juliet, so maybe not. Let me just take a moment to express my admiration for the character of Juliet. She's about as badass as they come. I'm not sure who I'd pick in cage match between her and Locke. She could definitely take Ben. Sayid, I'd watch your step.

    Charlie hears Aaron crying. Claire is sacked out and didn't hear him. Claire is obviously getting sick. Is the virus finally appearing?

    Jack tells Juliet that Sayid and Kate just need some time. Sayid was chained to a swingset. Juliet handcuffed herself to Kate and lied about it. How much time do they need? Good question. Jack laughs, maybe until they get back to the beach.

    Flashback: At Mittelos Bioscience Ethan takes Juliet's vital signs. Richard brings her some orange juice with a considerable amount of tranquilizer mixed in. She's going to want to be asleep for the trip. She's finally had enough. What are these people up to? Richard knows just how to talk to Juliet to appeal to her ambition. She chugs the orange juice. Ethan makes no move to stop her but then he says "Uhm, you probably shouldn't have drunk that so fast." Nice doctoring, Ethan. Juliet passes out. She wakes up on the sub. Ethan is there. She'll be hoarse for a few hours. Ethan: We're here. Juliet: Here where? She climbs out of the sub onto the dock. Ben comes out to meet her. He's really looking forward to working with her.

    Claire finds Charlie, Hurley, Desmond, and Sawyer. She's looking for aspirin. Sawyer, immediately, goes to get her some. I've long been onto you, Sawyer, you secret softie. Sawyer sees Jack rounding the corner of some bushes. Then he sees Kate and he's quite relieved. Happy Reunion Scene. Jack and Sawyer do their man dance then Sawyer hugs Kate. Finally Sawyer sees Juliet. Sawyer: What the hell is she doing here?

    Hurley comes to talk to Juliet. Hurley doesn't remember her from the dock. Juliet: I had the day off. Hurley gets the joke. Juliet asks if Hurley was sent to keep an eye on her. Hurley nods. Hurley shows her where they buried Ethan.

    Flashback: Ethan, Goodwin, and Juliet losing a patient. Goodwin says that he will talk to Ben. Ben comes to talk to Juliet. Sabine got pregnant and now she's dead. Juliet thinks it happens at conception. She needs to take someone off the island, back to Miami to further their research. She can't do anything else there. Ben won't let her take anybody off the island. Then Juliet thinks it's time for her to go home. Ben tells her that her sister's cancer is back. She can go home and be with Rachel in her final or months, or, if she stays, Ben will cure her sister's cancer. Ben: Jacob said he would take care of it himself. Unless of course you don't have faith in him. Jacob again. Do we meet him in Season 3, I wonder?

    Jack encourages everybody to trust Juliet. Everybody else is skeptical. Arguments ensue. Charlie notices Claire has started bleeding from her nose. Jack goes into Jack mode. Juliet notices something is wrong. Juliet asks Kate to get Jack. Why? Because she thinks she knows what's wrong with Claire. Kate: How? Juliet: Because I think I did it to her.

    Sawyer talks to Sayid. They are both suspicious.

    Juliet explains to Jack what Ethan was really doing. They only kidnapped her because Ethan's cover was blown. Juliet can help Claire but she needs to go get the serum right away. Jack tells her to go.

    Flashback: Juliet in bed with Goodwin. Wow, is she perhaps bitter about Goodwin getting killed? She's been on the island for 3 years. Somebody knocks. She tells Goodwin to stay there. Is their relationship a secret? Goodwin gets dressed and finds Juliet looking at x-rays. Carl developped them. Carl? Is this the real reason for Carl's imprisonment? Hmmmm. They are Ben's x-rays. Juliet goes to tell him about the tumor. Ben is shocked. Juliet accuses him of lying to her about her sister. She is quite upset. Ben: I told you the truth. I gave my word. Juliet begs to go home. Ben says no.

    Juliet finds the supplies. Sawyer and Sayid followed her from the beach. They intend to stop her. She knows everything about them so she finds it amusing that they are the moral police now. It's quite a speech. Effective too. She's going to go help Claire. They let her.

    Flashback: The opening of Season 3 - Book Club and plane crash. My Book Club just had it's 20th anniversary meeting. We read The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole. I curtailed my Walpoling activities a couple of times and went in search of cheese. The Castle of Otranto was the first ever gothic novel. But I digress. Ben: I want lists in 3 days, go! I guess I'm out of the Book Club. Ben tells Juliet that they need to talk. They go to see Mikhail. Ben: Mikhail? It's Ben. I'm approaching the house, (to Juliet) don't shoot us. Methinks Mikhail is a bit of a loose cannon, or an anarchist, perhaps. They connect to Richard in Acadia Park. Is there such a place in Miami? Richard shows today's newspaper with the date 9/22/04, exactly one month before my youngest son was born. He's there filming Rachel playing with her son - Julian. Ben: I'm not a liar Juliet. Juliet: I want to go home. Ben: That's not our agreement. You need to stay here until your work is done.

    Juliet gets back with the medicine. Charlie objects. Jack says he trusts her. He asks Charlie if he trusts him. Jack warns Juliet that if it doesn't work, he won't be able to protect her anymore. Jack: You'll be on your own. Juliet: I'm already on my own, Jack. She injects Claire.

    Claire wakes up, "What happened?" Charlie is there - he smiles.

    Jack brings Juliet some supplies. Claire's awake. Everybody is willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Juliet wonders why she never has to explain herself to Jack. Jack saw it in her eyes when the sub exploded. Jack: You want to get off this island more than anything else in the world. That makes you one of us.

    Flashback: Ben giving Juliet instructions. They go over the plan. It's all a plan to get her into the camp. They've activated the implant in Claire. she can use that to gain their trust. Ben: Are you all right? Juliet: I'm fine. Ben hands her a gas mask: See you in a week.

    OMG!!!!!!!! Juliet's undercover. I'm telling you though, she has her own agenda. I don't for a minute buy that she's not working some angle that nobody else knows, not Ben, not Jack, only Juliet. She does want off that island.

    Duuuuunnnnnn LOST

  8. #268
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    Catch 22

    Charlie, Hurley, Jin, and Desmond walking through the jungle. Charlie steps on one of Rousseau's wires and gets hit in the neck by an arrow - he dies rather grotesque fashion. Then we realize it's one of Desmond's visions. We also see Hurley pulling up the cable, Penny, the marina photo and sombody hanging from a tree(?), I think that's what they are doing.

    All right, when Charlie died there, I was shocked. I still kinda think the whole 'Charlie's gonna die' storyline is a red herring, but, one major disadvantage to being late to the game is spoilers that you simply cannot avoid. Dominic Monaghan is now on a show called Flash Forward. I've seen the ads. I kinda think you can't do two shows at once, so, maybe Charlie really does die. Speaking of actors doing other shows, Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) is on the new V. What? They can't kill Juliet, can they? I'll have to wait and see. I'm wondering if guest starring deals have been worked out.

    Desmond goes to find Hurley: Where's the wire? Hurley: Did you eat those mushrooms Jack warned us about? Priceless. Desmond persists. Hurley: This is future crap, isn't it? Desmond persists more - it's important. Hurley: Why? Desmond: Because someone's coming.

    Flashback: Desmond in a monastery with shorter hair. Desmond has one Brother who is his advisor. I don't know if he's the Abbot or not, but I'll assume so. Abbot: For whatever reason your path has lead you here and now you're one of us. Welcome, Brother. Desmond: Thank you, Brother.

    Desmond borrows Jack's first aid kit. Hurley goes with him and acts weird. Way to keep it cool, Hurley. Jack notices the weirdness but doesn't pursue anything. Hurley can have his reasons sometimes. Once Jack is gone, Hurley demands an explanation. If he's going to participate in this venture, he wants to know what's going on. Desmond's visions are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and if you change something, it's like changing the whole picture on the box. This time though, Desmond isn't trying to change the outcome. Hurley asks him if he wants it to happen. Desmond sees flashes of Penny: More than anything. Sonya Walger is on Flash Forward too. Spoilers aside, appearing on Lost has been good for many a career. Oh my god, they've killed Penny!

    Sawyer stops by Kate's tent. He comes in while she's getting dressed. For a con man, he doesn't hide what he's thinking very well. How was this guy ever successful? He wants to know if Kate told Jack about them. No, but he knows. The cameras weren't broken. Sawyer: Perverts. Well, now that that's out of the way, how about a little afternoon delight? Kate is not impressed. Sawyer, even if I wanted to jump you, I wouldn't after that just on principle. Sawyer: You need me to make you a mix tape? Kate thinks that might be a good idea.

    Desmond and Hurley recruit Jin because he was in the vision. Hurley is curious but willing to go along. Hurley convinces Jin to go 'camping' with them. It works because everybody love marshmallows. Desmond says they need one more. He talks to Charlie. Charlie's not real enthused until Desmond lies and tells him he's not going to die. Charlie agrees but wants to bring the guitar. I'm pretty sure we saw the guitar in Desmond's vision so Desmond agrees.

    The happy foursome set out whistling the them to Bridge on the River Kwai. Hurley takes them to the place they found the cable. Hurley remembers he almost got caught in one of Rousseau's traps the last time he followed that cable into the jungle. Desmond says that since it's getting late, they should set up camp right there.

    Flashback: Desmond in the monastery putting labels on the monastery's wine, Moriah, the mountain where God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Desmond and his mentor, (Brother Campbell is turns out) discuss the Abraham/Isaac story. Brother Campbell: Perhaps you underestimate the value of sacrifice. Hmmm. A man comes in and punches Desmond in the face, giving him a bloody nose. Desmond (to Brother Campbell): Forgive me, Brother.

    Kate and Jack talk. Kate feels strange being back with no desire to run off into the jungle. She's just going to wash dishes tonight. Jack borrows a spoon and goes off to eat dinner with Juliet. Kate is jealous! (Good. 'Everybody Loves Kate' was getting a little tiresome.) She goes to Sawyer's tent for a little evening delight. She tells him to shut up. Sawyer recognizes a good deal when he sees one.

    Jin tells Charlie and Hurley a ghost story in Korean. It's effective. Desmond sits alone looking at the marina photo. Charlie comes over. He sees the picture and is impressed. Desmond tells him about Penny. He left her behind because he is a coward. He tells Charlie that she spent time and money looking for him though. Desmond: Maybe she spent the last three years looking for me. They hear a helicopter. Then the helicopter starts making funny noises. Something crashes into the ocean. They discuss going out there when Jin notices a flashing red light. Desmond has seen this flashing red light before.

    Desmond wants to head out right now and rescue whoever it is. Charlie's against the idea. They will leave at first light.

    Flashback: Desmond goes to visit his former fiance, Ruth. Her brother is the one who punched him. He wants to explain. He disappeared a week before the wedding because he had a calling. Ruth: The next time you want to break up, Desmond, don't join a monastery. Just tell the girl that you're too bloody scared. I think a pattern regarding Desmond has been established.

    Sawyer challenges Jack to a ping pong match. Jack tells Sawyer that he talked with kate in the kitchen but had dinner with Juliet. Sawyer puts two and two together.

    The Campers traipse through the woods. They find a pack. Inside is Catch 22 (in Portuguese?), and a satellite phone. Stuck inside Catch 22 is a copy of the marina photo. Hurley sees it: Who's that? Charlie: That would be Penny.

    It's pickup time.

  9. #269
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    Catch 22 cont.

    Sawyer brings Kate a mix tape, it's 'The Best of Phil Collins'. Sawyer: Don't get picky. He wants to know why she jumped him. Sawyer: You ain't gotta use me, Freckles, all you gotta do is ask. Now that? Would work.

    Charlie figures Desmond thinks Penny was on the helicopter. He doesn't want to change his vision. Desmond still doesn't come clean.

    Flashback: Desmond getting drunk on the monastery's wine. Brother Campbell finds him. Brother Campbell: Something tells me, Desmond, that you're not cut out to be a monk. Desmond: What am I supposed to do now? Brother Campbell: Whatever comes next.

    The Campers walking in the rain. They start having the superhero argument we heard in the Desmond's vision. At the last second Desmond tells Charlie to duck and pushes him down - no arrow in the neck after all. See! It's a red herring! Charlie challenges Desmond. Desmond tells him that he was supposed to let Charlie die. Desmond likens his visions to God testing Abraham and he failed. He can't let Charlie die. They find the paratrooper hanging from a tree. She's not moving. Desmond: I'm sorry, Penny, I'm sorry.

    Flashback: Desmond leaving the monastery. He can get a ride into town if he's willing to do some heavy lifting. He loads 10 cases of the Moriah wine into the back of a van, Penny's van. She introduces herself then later wonders if he'll help her unload in Carlyle. Desmond: Did I say I was coming to Carlyle with you? Penny: Not yet.

    The flashback is interspersed with the Campers cutting down the paratrooper. She's alive. Desmond comes over, pulls off her helmet. It's not Penny. But whoever it is says "Desmond."

  10. #270
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    A cool little thing you may not have noticed in this episode...

    On Brother Campbell's desk in the monastery there is a picture. If you look at it closely, you will see a familiar face in it.

    That is the same woman we saw in one of Desmond's earlier flashbacks, the woman working in the jewelry store who told him he could not give Penny the wedding ring because he had to go to an island and push a button to save the world.

    Also, while members of the Lost cast may move on to other shows in various roles, recall that Lost has a much shorter shooting schedule than other shows. It would be very possible to be a featured character on a show airing in the fall and then do Lost in the spring. I am not revealing if that is what folks like Charlie, Penny, and Juliet are doing, but it would be possible.

    Don't try to guess who or if someone will die based on TV shows they may be doing now, that's all I am saying.

    --Jason "I don't think any of what I said was a spoiler, but if others disagree I will take it down and hopefully BD won't have seen it yet" Evans
    Why are you wasting time here when you could be wasting it by listening to the latest episode of the DBR Podcast?

  11. #271
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    Too late!! And I already speculate that shooting schedules could be carefully arranged. Nobody's dead until I see the body, thank you very much.

    Also, I did not notice the picture so thanks for pointing that out. I did think that Brother Campbell seemed very Fionnula-like in his prediction that Desmond will do whatever comes next. I should have pointed that out.

  12. #272
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    Hot'Lanta... home of the Falcons!

    I know you sometimes fall behind in your recaps versus your viewing. Are you currently caught up or have you already seen some of the upcoming episodes.

    I ask because (I know some folks will consider this spoilers, but I cannot resist it) you are about to embark on what I consider among the finest episodes of dramatic television in history. I am totally serious. It is probably ruining the episodes to set your expectations so high, but the final few episodes of season 4 are quite simply AS GOOD AS IT GETS!!!

    Please, watch them soon and give us your thoughts. I am so eager to relive these amazing episodes through your eyes and words.

    --Jason "Greatest Hits and Through the Looking Glass are just WOWWOWOWOW!!!" Evans
    Why are you wasting time here when you could be wasting it by listening to the latest episode of the DBR Podcast?

  13. #273
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    Watching carolina Go To HELL!
    Quote Originally Posted by JasonEvans View Post

    I know you sometimes fall behind in your recaps versus your viewing. Are you currently caught up or have you already seen some of the upcoming episodes.

    I ask because (I know some folks will consider this spoilers, but I cannot resist it) you are about to embark on what I consider among the finest episodes of dramatic television in history. I am totally serious. It is probably ruining the episodes to set your expectations so high, but the final few episodes of season 4 are quite simply AS GOOD AS IT GETS!!!

    Please, watch them soon and give us your thoughts. I am so eager to relive these amazing episodes through your eyes and words.

    --Jason "Greatest Hits and Through the Looking Glass are just WOWWOWOWOW!!!" Evans
    Not that Jason is given to hyperbole or anything like that!

    Love your reviews, BD. Keep up the good work!
    Ozzie, your paradigm of optimism!

    Go To Hell carolina, Go To Hell!
    9F 9F 9F

  14. #274
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    I am a few episodes ahead. I have 'Through the Looking Glass' to go. Want to get to it this weekend so I can start Season 4 over Thanksgiving weekend. The next few episodes are indeed a wild ride of wonderful.

    Anybody here in the Boston area? I'm going to put it here because I want as many Dukies as I can get to come to see my play in January. It's called Almost Made in Heaven and it will be performed in Maynard, Massachusetts the second and third weekends. This play has Coach K's approval. Direct quote "Your play is great. I loved the ending." I'm very grateful that somebody local wants to produce it, but I'm moderately worried that a good portion of the audience won't get all the jokes. That means I need Dukies. (I could use Tarheels too but . . .) I will post more details later but I have a feeling more people read this thread than anywhere else I could post about it. If you're in the Boston area and want more details now, PM me.

  15. #275
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    Something I forgot to post about in the Catch 22 recap, I know the paratrooper has that book in her pack, the significance may someday be revealed, but I don't quite understand Desmond's delimma as a true catch 22. Desmond has to let Charlie die to get Penny. I know he doesn't really want Charlie to die, but, unless it really is a red herring, why not let Charlie die as it's going to happen no matter what Desmond does. Right?

    And a bit of trivia, cause I know you love it when I drop in these bits of information, I once went to a reading by Joseph Heller. He told us that Catch 22 was originally called Catch 18. I've been told that 18 is a very important number in Judaism. The title was changed because just before Catch 22 went to press, Leon Uris came out with his book Mila 18. The publishers wanted to avoid any confusion.

    Just in case anybody was extremely disappointed that my new post wasn't a new recap. I'm typing one up as soon as I finish this post.

  16. #276
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    Boston area, OK, Newton, right by Heartbreak Hill


    Department of Corrections? What's up, D.O.C?

    Sun working in her garden. Spooky music but it's just Jack. He's checking up on her healthe and asks her about the pregnancy. She's OK.

    Flashback: Boring Jin and Sun stuff. A woman approaches Sun in the park. She knows about Jin's background and blackmails Sun.

    The paratrooper woman starts mumbling in Spanish(?). Hurley seems to understand her, so maybe it is Spanish. She says she's dying. She's hurt badly. They discover a tree branch protruding from her abdomen. Desmond decided to run for Jack. Charlie reminds him where they are and what else is on the island, it's dangerous. Desmond: Nobody knows we're here. Hurley makes like Pippin in the mines of Moria and accidentally fires off a flare. Hurley: Oops.

    Flashback: More boring Jin and Sun stuff. Jin has no family pictures.

    Sun and Kate talk about Jack. Sun tells her about the pregnancy chat. Sun wonders if Jack is working with The Others. Kate tells Sun what she knows about Juliet, what kind of DOC she is. Sun goes to Juliet. Sun: What happens to pregnant women on this island? Juliet: They die, they all die.

    Charlie and Desmond argue until they hear a noise. Mikhail(!?!) appears. I guess he's not dead. Sometimes, even when you see the body, they aren't dead on this island. You sure looked dead to me. I'll never believe you are dead again.

    Mikhail runs off. Jin gives chase. They fight. Jin can fight well. He wins.

    Desmond grabs Mikhail, "Who are you?" Somehow Charlie knows who he is. He recognizes this guy as the one who shot Sayid. I don't know how he knows that. Maybe he had an offscreen discussion with Sayid. Desmond holds the flare gun to his chest. Mikhail: As your friend pointed out, I already died once this week.

    The paratrooper starts mumbling. Phoenetically it sounds like 'Es too moriendo'. Mikhail offers to help. He was a Russian army medic. Mikhail: If I fix her, you must let me walk away as if I never came upon you.

    Flashback: Sun goes to see Jin's father, so they have met. Jin's father lied to Jin about his mother. She is alive. She was with many men. Jin's father isn't even sure if he is Jin's father. He tells Sun that she can never tell Jin that she met him or that his mother is still alive.

    Juliet wakes Sun in the middle of the night. She tells Sun to come with her. There may be hope for her yet.

    Juliet is taking her to The Staff to do an ultrasound. It matters if she conceived on or off the island. They are going to determine the D. O. C., ah, the date of conception.

    Flashback: Sun asks her father for $100,000. Sometimes she is her father's daughter. She knows how to work the situation and gets the money. Her father tells her though, that if the money is for her new husband, he will bear the debt. He will be working for the old man now. Ah, so that's the beginning of that particular trouble, Jin is paying for a debt that isn't his and that he didn't know about.

    Mikhail saves the paratrooper in a very Pulp Fiction kind of way. Actually, it's more Three Kings but I think you get my point. Hurley lets it slip to Mikhail that she had a satellite phone. The paratrooper says something. It must not be Spanish anymore because Hurley doesn't translate. Mikhail: She said thank you for helping me. Whatever she said in whatever language, that's not it.

    Juliet and Sun get to The Staff. Sun wants to know why Juliet is helping her. Juliet used to give patients good news. She told them that they were pregnant and made them happy. Since she came to the island she has lost 9 patients. Juliet wants to give good news again. Sun confesses her affair to Juliet. Sun: It was a mistake. Juliet: We all make mistakes. Yeah, like trusting Benry?

    Juliet takes Sun to the hidden room. Why is it hidden. It's where they brought the women to die. Nice. I bet Sun is glad she's there.

    Mikhail tells the Campers to keep the wound as clean as they can. She'll be better in a day. A day? It's the island. Desmond lets Mikhail leave. Charlie argues about it. Mikhail leaves. Jin notices the phone is gone and chases him. Desmond tries to stop Jin but Jin gets the phone back, whew! Charlie: You stole this? Mikhail: How could you respect me if I didn't try? Charlie wants a fight. Desmond still lets Mikhail go, he's given his word. Some of that monk training stuck.

    Sun tells Juliet that the baby couldn't be Jin's. Juliet explains how the island makes men extra fertile. The men here have way high sperm counts. The men have super high sperm counts and pregnant women all die? Hey, it's Misogynist Island! Sun figures she's going to lose either way.

    Flashback: Jin discovers the money in Sun's purse. He doesn't want to be in debt to her father. He can take care of Sun.

    Juliet shows Sun her baby on the ultrasound. Sun is very happy. The baby has a strong heartbeat. It's been 90 days since the crash. The baby is at about 8 weeks gestation. Sun got pregnant on the island. Sun starts crying but they are tears of happiness. She wanted the baby to be Jin's.

    Flashback: Sun takes the money to the mystery woman. Sun figured out that the woman is Jin's mother. Sun threatens her. She reminds her that she comes from a very powerful family. Sun: My husband thinks that you are dead. Do not force me to make that a reality. I'd listen if I were you, Jin's mom.

    Juliet tells Sun that the other women made it to the middle of their second trimester. Sun figures she has 2 months. I figure she makes it to at least Season 5. She tells Juliet she is very happy the baby is Jin's and thanks her. Juliet goes back inside.

    Once inside Juliet records a message for Ben. She reports on Sun's ultrasound. She's supposed to find out if Kate is pregnant. After she turns off the machine: I hate you.

    Hurley tries to get the phone to work. The paratrooper wakes up. Hurley tells her that they are the survivors of Flight 815. The paratrooper is confused. Flight 815? The one from Sydney? She explains that they can't be the survivors of that plane. Paratrooper: They found the plane. There were no survivors.

    Duuunnnnn LOST

  17. #277
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    Feb 2007
    Boston area, OK, Newton, right by Heartbreak Hill

    The Brig

    Locke sits by a fire, reading a file, the folder is read and the name is blacked out. We hear struggling. Locke: Save your breath. Nobody's gonna hear you. Locke burns the file.

    8 Days Ago
    The door is opened and Locke sees his father. Finally we're getting back to Locke's dad. We haven't seen him since the last little bit of The Man from Tallahassee. It was only when I looked up the episode name that I realized Locke's dad is the man from Tallahassee. Oh wow, let's refresh. Locke is standing in the closet holding a gun to Alex's head and Ben tells Richard to go get the man from Tallahassee. So much for the magic box.

    OK, back to the scene at hand. Ben tells Locke that he, Locke, brought his father there. We, of course, know otherwise. Locke goes to talk to Dad. Ben warns him not to get too close. Locke takes the gag out of his mouth. Dad bites him. Ben: I warned you, John. Dad: Don't you know, John? Don't you know where we are?

    Ben and Locke leave the room. Locke asks what his dad meant. Ben said they don't have time to explain because they are all packing up to leave in the morning. Ben: We are going to a new place, well, an old place actually. Does John want to come? Yes. Ben tells him that he might like to say goodbye to Kate.

    Back to now, Kate is with Sawyer in his tent, but she can't sleep. Sawyer offers to walk her home. He's got to pee anyway. Kate: How romantic? She leaves but Sawyer goes out anyway. He sees Hurley and Jin acting suspicious. Sawyer goes to pee and hears a noise. He draws his gun, it's Locke. Locke: Hello, James. Locke has come to get Sawyer. He has inflitrated The Others. He kidnapped Ben and has him tied up. He wants Sawyer to come back with him to kill Ben. Why can't Locke do it himself? Locke: Because I'm not a murderer. Sawyer: Neither am I. Locke: Except for the man you killed in Sydney. Locke has seen Sawyer's file (and burned it). Sawyer says that the facts are wrong. Locke: Then I made a mistake coming to you. Please don't tell anyone you saw me. Sawyer decides to go after all.

    3 Days Ago
    The Others all notice Locke. He's famous in a Harry Potter kind of way. Cindy tells him they are all excited he's there. They've been waiting for him. Tom tells Locke that Ben wants to see him.

    Locke overhears Juliet's message on the recorder. Ben explains that they plan to go in and take any of the pregnant women. Ben: This is not the first time we've done this, John. Trust me, no one will get hurt. Really? Well, at least I believe you about it not being the first time. Ben can walk now although he needs a cane. He credits John's arrival with helping him get the feeling back. Ben tells Locke that Locke is not ready yet to know everything about the island. Locke disdains the magic box. Ben explains that it's a metaphor. Really? OK, two things Ben says that I believe in this episode, could be a record. Ben tells Locke that Locke won't be free until he releases himself from the hold his father has on him. Has Ben talked to Helen recently?
    Ben: When people join us here on this island they need to make a gesture of free will, of commitment. That's why you're gonna have to kill your father.

    The Campers are hiding Naomi the Paratrooper in a tent. I know her name is Naomi but I don't remember when she tells them that's her name. Anyway, if they can keep her safe she'll get them off the island. They discuss wheter or not they can trust Jack. Desmond makes a pretty good argument against trusting Jack. Desmond tells Hurley to bring somebody they can trust. Me? I'd go to Sayid.

    Sawyer and Locke walk through the jungle. Sawyer is making this trek without shoes. Oh Sawyer, my feet are hurting just watching you. Sawyer asks what is in this file that Locke got to read. Locke is pretty matter-of-fact about Sawyer's parents. He knows that Sawyer's dad shot his mom then turned the gun on himself. He just doesn't know why. Sawyer gets upset and tackles Locke, holding a knife to his throat. He's been conned enough on the island that he's beginning to get suspicious. Why did Locke come and get him? Because Locke can't do it. Sawyer lets Locke up. Sawyer says that they will bring Ben back to their camp because he ain't killin' nobody. Locke: But you'll change your mind. When you hear what he has to say, you'll change your mind.

    Sayid is digging something. Hurley walks up: Hey Dude. Sayid says hi and goes back to work. Except Hurley just stands there. Sayid realizes something is up. Sayid is smart one. They listened to me! It was kind of a no-brainer.

    Sayid comes to talk to The Campers. He asks if they've told jack about Naomi. Charlie: No. Sayid: Good. Sayid goes in and questions her. Her name is Naomi Dorrit. The heroine of Little Dorrit is named Amy. Her helicopter crashed in the water. She bailed out over the island. She took off from a ship, a freighter, about 80 nautical miles west of here. She's part of a search and recovery team. The wreckage of Flight 815 was found in an ocean trench near Bali. They sent down diving robots. The bodies were all there. So, if they weren't looking for survivors of Flight 815, who were they looking for? Naomi: Him. Desmond.

    Naomi: My company was hired by a woman named Penelope Widmore. I don't know why, I never met her. She gave us a set of coordinates. Sayid: You knew about the island? Naomi: Island? We were given coordinates in the middle of the bloody ocean. We thought it was a fool's errand until 3 days ago. She explains that the clouds opened up and she saw the island just before the helicopter's instruments went haywire. Sayid asks Desmond if he actually saw the helicopter. No. Then he speculates that she has no means whatsoever of communicating with her ship. Naomi is offended. She shows him the satellite phone. Naomi: Remind me not to rescue you, Sayid.

    More in a bit.

  18. #278
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    Feb 2007
    Boston area, OK, Newton, right by Heartbreak Hill

    The Brig (cont.)

    Locke and Sawyer walk through the jungle. Sawyer explains that the guy in Sydney was a mistake. He thought he was someone else. He didn't mean to kill him. Locke: Well, who'd you mean to kill? Sawyer: Are we almost there? Locke: Almost.

    3 Days Ago
    Ben wakes Locke up. He tell him that it's time. Ben take Locke to where his father is tied to a pillar. The Others have gathered to watch. Ben takes the gag off Dad. Dad doesn't think that Locke can do it and taunts him. Ben encourages him. Dad: You really haven't figured it out yet, have you? Ben tells Locke he has to let go of his father. Ben: As long as he's still breathing you'll still be that same sad, pathetic little man. Locke takes the knife, he can't do it. Dad: I'll be here the rest of the week, John, if you change your ming. Ben knocks Dad out with his cane. Ben turns to The Others: I'm sorry. He's not who we thought he was.

    Locke and Sawyer arrive at The Black Rock. Locke: Ben's inside, in the brig. Sawyer says he's ready. They walk through the ship. Sawyer hears a noise: Son of a I'm a real wanker for saying this.I'm a real wanker for saying this.I'm a real wanker for saying this.I'm a real wanker for saying this.I'm a real wanker for saying this., you really kidnapped the little bastard. We ain't killin' him. Locke: Whatever you say, James. Locke shows him to the brig and locks him in with a hooded figure. Sawyer pounds on the door then pulls off the hood. It's Dad. Sawyer: Who are you?

    Sayid works on the satellite phone. Kate comes upon them. She starts asking questions. Sayid: Kate, if I explain, I want you to keep this very quiet.

    Locke sits outside the locked brig as Sawyer pounds on the door. Rousseau comes in. She's there for dynamite. She hears the pounding but doesn't say anything. She takes her dynamite and leaves.

    2 Days Ago
    Richard introduces himself to Locke as he sits on a hill overlooking The Others camp. Richard tells Locke that Ben wanted to embarrass him. When word got around that a man with a broken spine could suddenly walk again, people got excited, because that could only happen to someone who is extremely special. Richard: Ben doesn't want anyone to think you're special. Richard thinks that Ben is wasting time on novelties like fertility problems. They are there for more important reasons. He wants Locke to find his purpose. That can't happen with Locke's dad still around. Richard gives Sawyer's file to Locke.

    Dad starts talking to Sawyer. How did he get to the island? He was in a car accident in Tallahassee. Of course he was. He was put in an ambulance. Before he went under he thought the paramedic smiled at him. I bet he did since that paramedic must have been Richard. Wait, how did Richard get to Tallahassee? When did he go? How did he get back? I still know it was Richard who went. The next thing Dad knew he was tied up in a dark room until they opened a door to show him his dead son. Dad admits to conning Locke out of a kidney and to pushing him out of a window. Dad thinks they are in hell. Conned? Wait, what? Sawyer catches on: What's your name? Dad has a whole list of names. Anthony Cooper gets mentioned, so does Tom Sawyer. Dad: The ladies loved that one, made me charming. Sawyer: Well, how bout that. Sawyer's my name too.

    Flashback: The Others are moving on, again. They are leaving an easy to follow trail but Locke shouldn't bother unless he's carrying his father's body on his back.

    Sawyer asks Dad if he's ever been to Jasper, Alabama. Dad admits that yeah, he's been to Jasper. Dad: Don't tell me I'm your daddy. Sawyer: No, you killed my daddy. Sawyer takes out the letter. Dad starts to read it but doesn't get very far. Then he starts in on Sawyer, blaming Sawyer's mother and father for what happened to them. Dad, I don't think you quite get who and what you're dealing with here. He gets Sawyer mad enough. Sawyer: Do you want to go to hell? Then Sawyer strangles Dad with the chains. Locke opens the door: Thank you.

    Jack and Juliet sit on the beach. Kate comes up. Kate tells Jack about Naomi. Sayid, why did you trust Kate? Jack: Why didn't anyone tell me this? Kate: Nobody told you because they don't trust you. Juliet thinks they should tell Kate. Jack and Juliet have a secret of their own.

    Sawyer goes outside and throws up. He's not really a killer but this was personal. I understand Sawyer. Sawyer asks why. Locke: He ruined my life and he ruined yours and he had it coming. Locke tells Sawyer about Ben (and Juliet's) plans. Locke isn't going back to the beach, he's on his own journey now. He gives Sawyer the recorder. Sawyer wants to know if it's true, if Locke was a cripple. Locke: Not anymore.

    Locke goes to his father's body and starts carrying it.

    Duuunnnn LOST

  19. #279
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    Feb 2007
    Northern VA

    Question Next Season?

    Can anybody tell me when the next season of Lost is due to kick off on network television? Seems like it's been forever... Going through withdrawl, need ...a...fix...

    Have there been any sneak-peeks, trailers yet foreshadowing what is in store for us this season?


  20. #280
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    Feb 2007
    Northern VA


    Quote Originally Posted by -bdbd View Post
    Can anybody tell me when the next season of Lost is due to kick off on network television? Seems like it's been forever... Going through withdrawl, need ...a...fix...

    Have there been any sneak-peeks, trailers yet foreshadowing what is in store for us this season?


    Just saw Jason's link in the other Lost string...

    Wow - don't know if I can hold out until Feb! Any idea how many episodes? Jason, maybe just forewarn against any foreshadowing - caveat emptor - and then go ahead and share some of what you've heard about the final season.

    I for one am hoping they cool it a bit on the time travel concept.


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